Numerous Lee County residents gathered on Thursday to show their disapproval toward a proposed compost facility near Lincoln.

the proposed site of a compost facility in the
Lincoln area, voices his opposition during a public
forum on Thursday.
Hundreds came to the St. John Lutheran Church Family Life Center to discuss the facility, which is planned by Austin-based company Break It Down LLC, as well as to voice their concerns about its potential impact to the community and the environment, and talk over plans on how to formally oppose it.
The main points presented at the forum included concerns about the strong odor that could affect those living in the area, an increase in pests and vermin, negative impacts to property values, heavy truck traffic on county roads, and contaminants that would hurt nearby ponds and creeks, notably Yegua Creek feeding into Lake Somerville.
Eric Hjorth, who helped organize Thursday’s forum and who lives close by the planned compost site, said this matter affects the lives of not only those in Lee County, but also neighboring counties, so he encouraged residents in-county and out-of-county to contact the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to put a stop to it.

in attendance at a public forum regarding the
proposed compost facility near Lincoln.
The City of Austin enacted an ordinance in October requiring multifamily communities with five or more dwelling units to provide access to commercial composting collection services. Lee County Judge Frank Malinak said the ordinance was created in the name of reducing waste that goes into landfills, but it now means areas like Lee County are targets for composting companies.
Malinak said he has sent a joint letter along with State Senator Lois Kolkhorst and State Representative Stan Gerdes to the TCEQ, requesting that the commission host a public meeting in Lee County.
Annie Bolognino, another coordinator of Thursday’s forum who purchased property in the area to lead a horse therapy program, wants stricter regulations and background checks involved in the TCEQ permit application process, because the company has been fined before for previous infractions.
No representatives from the company were present at the forum.
After the meeting, organizers took questions from the audience and helped those in attendance with submitting formal protests to the TCEQ. Hjorth said the deadline for public comments is January 2nd.

If you’re in Washington and Burleson Counties help us Lee Countians fight this Health Hazzard. Go to TCEQ website and comment against this. This will affect you the Creeks i. Lee County specifically the Yegua which is only a 1/2 mile from the proposed composting facility does drain into Lake Somerville which will affect your water. Here is the information to put in the comments
Permit Number: 47084
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Make sure the Regulated Entity is “BREAK IT DOWN RANCH ROAD”
We had a great crowd last night BUT we still need to do more work! Please go to the website & make your voice be heard. Check out the search site & type in comment on pending permits.
Enter the permit number 47084 and begin your protest. What we are wanting is a public meeting with TCEQ & members of “ Break it Down” LLC. TCEQ has accepted the application even though they are aware that this company has failed to act responsibly…so why they TCEQ thought they should entertain the idea of granting them another permit seems irresponsible to me! Thank-you to KWHI for attending the meeting & giving us another avenue of communication.
Since Austin passed the law then let the city of Austin have the compose facility in Travis county end of problem! Let the residents of Travis county deal with the smell! Why should their problems be Lee county problems?