Tuesday 12-31-2024
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Wanted: farm tractors, old farm trucks, and equipment, running or not – 936-870-5148
For Sale: 4x5 round bales of hay, fertilized ; For FREE: leather sleeper sofa w/ air mattress – 281-455-8610
For Sale: new Winco PTO driven generator, 27 KW, has trailer kit PTO, spline, 120/240v, model# 27PTOC4 $3200 ; ’05 Cub Cadet 8454 tractor w/ front end loader, 45HP, 2200 hrs. $9500 ; ’19 Ford Fiesta, 34K mi., manual 5-speed, exce. cond. $6000 ; loading forks $50, post hole digger $400, Bush Hog $400, log splitter $450, hay spear (free w/ tractor) – 979-220-1904
Wanted: someone that can fix cruise control on Chevy Impala ; 1 gal. goat milk ; For Sale: truckload of Oak firewood $100 ; For FREE: firewood – 832-567-0454 NO TEXTING
For Sale: 3-shank chisel plow, 3-pt. ; 5’ finish mower, 3-pt. ; 3-bottom mold board plow, 3-pt. ; 4’ and 5’ shredders, 3-pt. ; 5th-wheel hitch for travel trailer – 979-277-2252
For Sale: used hay trailer, 3 yrs. old, double dump, dual tandem axles, will haul (14) 5x6 or (20) 4x6 rolls – 979-540-8976 call or text
Wanted: used John Deere Gator, just needs to work, can be older model, to be used around farm – 979-277-4812
For Sale: 120 qt. Igloo cooler, Max Cold, white, used once, still has tags $75 – 979-451-3167
For Sale: fresh vegetables – collard greens, broccoli, Swiss chard, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, leaf lettuce (green, red, romaine), carrots, bell peppers, jalapenos, shelled pecans, yard eggs – 979-836-2889
For Sale: Frederick Remington western prints, from Houston Museum of Art – 281-733-5585
For Sale: DeWalt 18v skill saw, Impact, drill, Sawzall, has (2) batteries and charger ; DeWalt ½” impact ; Post Oak firewood $50/half cord – 979-451-0242
For FREE: 4x5 or larger round bale of Jiggs/Elissa hay, from this year, has a sm. amount of mold on edge, you must pick up and load yourself – 979-530-7421 call or text
For Sale: 5x5.5 round bales of Coastal/Johnson mix hay $50/roll – 979-530-2262
For Sale: 4x8 dog kennel, wire, metal roof $200 OBO – 979-451-9790
For Sale: Santa Gertrudis bull, 2 yrs. old ; 5x6 round bales of mix grass hay, net wrapped – 979-777-5701
I listen to country store every day from Toronto Canada and love the show.Wish I lived in Texas as it Is – 17 here and I work out side.