With 2024 now in the rear-view mirror, KWHI continues to visit with officials around Washington County to recap the year’s events.

Karen Buck

We move now to the City of Burton and Mayor Karen Buck, discussing the city’s progress last year and looking ahead to 2025.

Tackling the city’s infrastructure, particularly the water system, was a top priority for Burton last year and figures to be similar this year.  Buck says the city made significant strides in identifying and reducing water loss issues, continued work on getting water line breaks fixed, and took several steps toward the drilling of a new water well.  She says the existing well is reaching the life span of the city’s previous wells, so getting the new one in the ground soon is crucial.

Much time was also spent in 2024 on city documents, including creating a formal agreement with Burton Friends and Neighbors for use of the ballpark and drafting a subdivision ordinance.  Progress on both will continue into the new year.  Buck says the subdivision ordinance, in tandem with the infrastructure improvements, will guide future development.

Other items of note in the past year were beginning conversations with the county about the use of Burton City Hall by the Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace, hiring a firm to catalogue and close out the old police department’s evidence room, and approving an updated solid waste contract that gives commercial customers the option of contracting their own services.

Buck says there are many different voices on what Burton should strive to be, but the emphasis needs to remain on what will benefit all residents.

Buck first took office as mayor of Burton in May 2023.

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