The City of Burton will have at least two contested races in the May 3rd election.
Sitting Position 3 Councilmember Jeff Eckhardt has submitted an application to run for mayor against Karen Buck. Meanwhile, Chuck Johnson has filed to run for the Position 1 council seat currently held by Nathan Kalkhake.
Eckhardt served on the council from 2016-2020 and rejoined the council by appointment in 2022.
City Secretary Angela Harrington, referencing guidance from the Texas Municipal League, said because Burton’s councilmembers serve two-year terms, Eckhardt will not need to vacate his Position 3 seat unless he wins. In that case, the city would choose to either hold a special election or appoint a new member.
Johnson has lived in Burton for nearly four years but says he has been a frequent visitor since 2012, when he lived in Huntsville. He served in the U.S. Navy and is retired after a 44-year career in the telephone business.
The deadline to file for the May 3rd election is Friday, February 14th.
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