The Burton City Council on Tuesday will revisit a subdivision ordinance that drew a divided vote last month.
During their January meeting, councilmembers voted 3-2 against adopting the ordinance, which would have provided rules and regulations governing the subdivision of land and plats within the city. However, City Secretary Angela Harrington said some councilmembers had questions, so they are bringing it back for another vote to allow the council to know exactly what is being voted on.
The topic of the subdivision ordinance has brought about extensive discussion from councilmembers and the public. Supporters say the ordinance will responsibly guide future development in the city, while others feel it could be too restrictive on landowners and would hinder the city’s growth without having an updated comprehensive plan in place first.
In related action, the council will vote on a subdivision fee schedule. The item was removed from the agenda last month after the council denied the subdivision ordinance.
Also on Tuesday, the council will look to issue up to $678,000 in certificates of obligation (COs), which would be used to pay contractual obligations related to the city’s planned water system improvements, namely the drilling of a new water well. The COs will be used along with $593,800 in grant funding received through the Texas General Land Office.
Councilmembers will also take up an agreement with Burton Friends and Neighbors regarding use of the ballpark, or a vote on whether to begin charging for water used at the ballpark. They will then adopt an order of an election and a resolution authorizing an election services contract with Washington County for the May 3rd election.
Other regular session items will include:
- Setting a budget public hearing for the 2025-26 general and water/sewer budgets on March 11th at 5:30 p.m. at Burton City Hall.
- Acting on a resolution authorizing the city to enter into an agreement with the state closing a segment of the state highway system in downtown Burton for the Cotton Gin Festival on April 26th.
- Approving the closing of North Railroad Street from West Washington Street to the Post Office drop box and West Texas Street from Railroad Street to the Los Patrones driveway for Ranger Day on March 15th from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
After regular session, councilmembers will recess into an executive session, followed by a budget workshop.
The council will meet Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at Burton City Hall.