Story by Coach Kurt Ramsey
The Burton Powerlifting team brought its Invitational season to a close last week. This year marks the Panthers most successful Invitational season as a total of seven Panthers qualified for Regional meets.
Freshman Gunner Hightower was the Panther's lone heavyweight lifter, lifting in the 181 weight class all season. The Leon Last Chance Qualifier proved to be his best meet of the season, with his three lift total of 875 representing a 115 pound increase over his season opener of 760.
Andrew Gonzales (Fr.) was the first of three Panthers to qualify in the 123 weight class. His total of 730 represents a 95 pound increase and he finishes the season ranked 8th in the region.
Zach Purvis (Fr.) finishes the season ranked 6th in the region in the 123 class. His final total of 775 is a 155 pound improvement from the first meet.
Jackson Morey (Sr.) enters the Regional meets ranked 1st among the 123 class with a three lift total of 945: 345 on squat, 210 on bench, and 390 on deadlift.
Hunter Duffy (Jr.) is one of two Panthers representing Burton in the 132 class at Regionals. Duffy joined the illustrious 1000 pound club at the Leon LCQ, notching season best squats, 405, and deadlift, 395, to compliment his 200 pound bench press. He currently ranks 3rd in the region for the 132 class. This marks Duffy's third consecutive year qualifying for regionals in a different weight class, after qualifying in 2023 as a 114 and in 2024 as a 123.
Mark Odom (Sr.) will represent Burton for the second consecutive year as the number 1 ranked lifter in the 132 class. Odom's 1070 total leads all Burton lifters. Odom looks to return to State this year after qualifying last year with a 1000 pound total.
Rounding out the Panthers is Senior Kolton Lunbeck, qualifying in the 165 class, arguably the most competitive weight class, as it sees the greatest number of lifters. Lunbeck ranks 9th of 55 lifters with 1030 three lift total.
The Boys Regional Powerlifting meet takes place Friday at Navasota High School. Bars loaded at 8:30am.
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