Thursday 03-06-2025

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For Sale: Suzuki DF25A outboard motor, 25HP, used less than 15 hrs. $4300 – 979-451-9085 TEXT ONLY

For FREE: (100) empty egg cartons – 979-451-2851

For Sale: Ryobi 9” band saw ; Craftsman compound miter saw ; Craftsman 16” scroll saw ; Ridgid compact router 1HP ; Ridgid worm drive circular saw ; (3) nailguns ; DeWalt 4.5” grinder ; Ryobi 18 gau. 18v brad nailer – 979-421-0202

Garage Sale: 8a-12n 6005 Longhorn Rd. (Chappell Hill) ; gates open at 8a, multi-family, everything indoors – sm. appliances, home décor, camping gear, tools, men’s and women’s clothing, and more

For Sale: Kenmore washer and dryer, older, white, electric, working cond. $25 ea. ; Panasonic microwave, black, used $20 ; 2-drawer file cabinet, wood looking finish, used $10 ; (2) used vacuum cleaners, (1) bagless $10 ea. ; can send pics – 979-836-4721

For Sale: ’48 Ford F-5 truck, good oil, turns over, NO bed ; ’48 Ford-5 truck, 4WD, has bed, engine is stuck, some body work done ; ’35 Ford truck, has all of the hood radiator and chrome on it ; (3) Cedar logs, 8-12’ long, about 12-14” dia. ; (22) pcs. of cast iron cookware, cleaned and seasoned, ready to use (dutch ovens, bean pots, skillets, and wash pots) ; Wanted: 6’ disc plow, 3-pt. – 512-213-8314

For Sale: Miniature Australian Sheppard dog, blue merle, blue eyes, 9 wks. old, on Heartguard and up to date on vaccinations, doggie door potty trained $450 – 281-961-2842


For Sale: Coca-Cola platters, vintage original, good cond. ; various cast iron and steel vintage items ; (1) box of bowling pins ; wall decorations - surf boards, water skis, posters -- 281-733-5585

For Sale: lots of young roosters – 979-530-3103

Estate/Yard Sale: Fri. 9a-5p and Sat. 9a-3p 1200 Spring Creek Rd. ; dishes, crystal, sm. appliances, office cabinets, clothes, décor, and more

For Sale: fresh vegetables – broccoli, turnips, cauliflower, spinach, Swiss chard, green and red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, carrots, green onions, fresh red potatoes, shelled pecans, yard eggs – 979-836-2889

For Sale: knee scooter for leg injuries, youth to shorter adult size ; Cherry wood dining table w/ (2) leaf extensions, (6) chairs (incl. 2 arm chairs), matching China cabinet $400 ; can send pics – 979-451-1036 call or text

For Sale: fresh Washington Co. pecans, shelled pieces, 1 ¼ lb./$15 – 979-277-2423

For Sale: wedge pillow, sturdy, adjustable $25 ; slide/bus playset for kids $20 – 979-277-8845

For Sale: ’75 3000 Ford tractor, diesel, power steering, rear remotes, all new tires $5500 ; set of hay forks, 3-pt. ; 5’ chisel plow, 3-pt., heavy duty, has (5) cutters on back – 936-870-5148

For Sale: 4x5 round bales of Coastal/Johnson mix hay, fertilized – 979-251-4495 after 10a

Wanted: used egg incubator – 979-277-4359 LM

For Sale: HP 27” all-in-one computer, exce. cond., has accessories, wireless, can send pics $200 – 979-830-3697

For Sale: (4) deer stands – (2) ladder and (2) tripod $300/all – 979-451-0242

For Sale: 4x5.5 round bales of Native grass hay, double net wrapped, weed sprayed, fertilized – 979-830-5706

For Sale: Chihuahua male ; Lab female ; pr. of Cockatiels ; pr. of Parakeets ; Finch ; Wanted: hens and roosters – 979-551-1826

For Sale: wing back recliner, blue ; (2) wheelchairs, NO foot brackets ; antique push plow ; (6) sets of dishes ; (2) rocking chairs, (1) older has springs ; women’s 2X-3X tops and size 18-26 jeans – 979-451-0253

For Sale: free range fertile chicken eggs, for hatching $3/doz. – 979-242-3590

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