The Blinn College Alumni and Friends and Buccaneer Alumni Lettermen associations are getting ready to host this year’s Clay Shootout.
Each year, the Shootout raises funds for academic scholarships and athletic equipment.
This year’s event will take place on Friday, April 4th at the Boswell Porter 4-H Shotgun Range in Burleson County. Shoot times are 8:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Awards will go to the top teams and individual shooters.
Entry for a four-person team is $600, while a single shooter can sign up for $150 and will be paired with a team. Spectators can attend for $20.
Shooter registration includes 100 sporting clays, a meal, drinks, prizes and trophies. Spectator registration includes unlimited food and drinks.
Platinum underwriter for the Clay Shootout is Schaefer Custom Homes. Silver sponsors are Brenham National Bank, Blue Bell Creameries, Horizon Grass Farms and Texas KB Utilities. Drawing sponsors are Paragon Financial Advisors and Aggieland Construction.
To register or become a sponsor, go to
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