The Brenham City Council will vote Thursday to possibly accept a bid for the first phase of improvements at Jackson Street Park.

A rendering of the site plan concept for the first
phase of improvements at Jackson Street Park.
(courtesy City of Brenham, Burditt Consultants)

Eight companies submitted proposals for the project, which consists of addressing ADA upgrades, enhancing restrooms, adding a new playscape and swing set, upgrading electrical throughout the park, sidewalk extensions, and adding four new pickleball courts.

The lowest proposal came from DL Meacham Construction based out of Houston, with a base bid of $1,145,690 and an alternate of $35,270 to add shade covers for the pickleball courts.  The total would come out to $1,180,960; the Brenham Community Development Corporation has allocated over $1.5 million toward Phase I improvements.

In other items, the council will potentially move forward with a professional services agreement with Terracon Consultants, Inc. to perform material testing for the construction of Brenham Fire Station No. 2.  The agreement, which has an estimated cost of $75,260, would cover observation and testing for earthwork, reinforcing steel, foundation, masonry, cast-in-place, fireproofing, structural steel and project management during construction.

The council will also consider a resolution of support for Washington County and the Expo, pertaining to the creation of a Project Financing Zone.  The county has asked the state to rebate the state’s portion of hotel occupancy taxes collected from hotel properties within a three-mile radius of the zone, in order to support projects intended to increase tourism.

Other business will include:

  • Entering into a new lease agreement with Woodson Lumber Company for the old recycling center property at 307 South Market Street.  The company has leased the property since 2021.  The city is recommending keeping the monthly payment of $1,500 the same. 
  • Accepting the 2024 Fiscal Year audit from Seidel Schroeder.
  • Acting upon a request for qualifications related to engineering and design services for the extension of Aviation Way at the Brenham Municipal Airport.
  • Considering a project proposal from the Lower Colorado River Authority for a five-year electric engineering system study with electric system visual inspection.
  • Consulting with the city attorney in executive session about Brenham Police Department operations, personnel and associated matters.

The council will meet Thursday at 1 p.m. at Brenham City Hall.

Click here to view the agenda packet for Thursday's meeting.

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