Washington County Commissioners on Tuesday will look to put their support behind a pair of bills seeking to increase funding for rural EMS agencies.

The court will consider a resolution asking the Texas Legislature to pass Senate Bill 1377 and House Bill 3000, which would establish a grant program to provide financial assistance to qualified ambulance service providers in rural counties. 

According to the bills, grants would be awarded based on distance to the nearest Level I trauma facility and the county’s ability to otherwise obtain the money needed for adequate ground ambulance services.  Counties with a population of less than 10,000 could receive up to $500,000, while counties who have between 10,000 and 68,750 residents would be eligible to receive up to $350,000. 

A copy of the resolution to be read by commissioners states that the court “recognizes the importance of supporting legislation that strengthens rural EMS and provides financial resources to sustain these essential services.”

Also on Tuesday, commissioners will possibly act upon terminating a contract with PM AM Corporation.  The court entered into an agreement with the company in May 2022 to provide alarm program administration services.  The agreement was intended to reduce the sheriff’s office’s amount of false alarm calls, but statistics show the number of those calls increased from 421 in 2023 to 469 last year.

Following regular session, commissioners will go into executive session to consult with an attorney.  Any possible action will occur in open session. 

The court will then open a workshop to hold discussion with Imprivata regarding secure access and authentication to computer-aided dispatch (CAD) software. 

In other business, the court will:

  • Recognize County Clerk Beth Rothermel’s efforts to preserve the original deeds to the Washington County school land of Tom Green County.
  • Consider authorizing the Engineering and Development Services Department to seek bids for a used single drum steel wheel roller.  Bids are due April 10th at 10 a.m. and will be awarded on April 22nd at 9 a.m.
  • Receive a presentation of delinquent tax, fine and fee collection report from Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, LLP.
  • Receive a presentation of an American Revolution Experience reception sponsored by Captain Jabez Deming National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.
  • Hear monthly reports from the sheriff’s office, county and district clerks, justices of the peace, auditor, tax assessor-collector, treasurer, constables, elections and veterans service office.
  • Potentially approve a bond for Nicholas Prenzler.
  • Discuss formal notices from Industry Telephone Company for new service line installations along the county right-of-way of Moye Road and Bascome Lane in Precinct 4.

Commissioners will meet Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the Washington County Courthouse.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. In my opinion the county EMS needs to get rid of the money pit air bus and greatly reduce the size of EMS staff. 350 thousand would only cover the salary of two EMS management at the rate they are paid now. Bloat is bloat and the 10 million spend on EMS a year for county under 40 thousand without a University or an interstate is ridiculous to the point that the people who allow this extravagant expense to the taxpayers need a neck up check up my opinion cause I never voted for any of this bloat! Why? cause it would not have passed! Why is this county in the air bus business anyway? You suppose to fund the Sheriff and fix potholes and maintain vegetation and bridges. Stay in your lane WCC please.

  2. “… grants would be awarded based on distance to the nearest Level I trauma facility and the county’s ability to otherwise obtain the money needed for adequate ground ambulance services”.

    We have a helicopter. They’re going to have a lot of fun articulating the need for grant money for ground transport units when we have a helicopter.

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