The Washington County Sheriff’s Office is advising the public of an increase in reported vehicle burglaries.
The sheriff’s office put out a notice today (Thursday) saying the burglaries have been occurring in rural areas of the county, and that whoever is responsible has been targeting vehicles left unlocked in the victims’ driveways.
According to the sheriff’s office, the increase in burglaries has been observed over this past week, during the overnight hours. It says it has not identified any particular targeting of items, and that this appears to be more of a crime of opportunity.
Sheriff Trey Holleway reminds residents to not leave items of value in their vehicles and always keep their vehicles locked. If they see any suspicious activity, they are asked to immediately call 911.
Sounds good but had a family member recently had to send their vehicle to the Body shop for three weeks to have door straightened and repainted and locks replaced because some lowlife broke out the door handle to gain entry, leaving it unlocked would have prevented this just don’t leave anything of value inside and let them look. Get a good dog and cameras and set them to alert.
This is a Big county. Curious to know what areas this is occurring in.