The Burton school board will soon allow district employees to carry handguns on school grounds.

At their meeting on August 13th, the board approved changes to board policies and authorized a Guardian Plan, which will allow certain employees to possess firearms while on school property.  This also applies to school-sponsored or school-related events.

Superintendent Dr. Edna Kennedy says this new security measure is meant to address concerns about emergency response times to situations at the school.

The Burton board will approve specifically authorized employees that possess licenses and training to carry weaponry.  The board will also determine if any additional specialized training is required for the employee.  The district’s Emergency Operations Plan states no position of employment with the district will be required to participate in the program.

The plan says employees can lose authorization if they are put on administrative leave or they lose employment with the district, for whatever reason.  In addition, the superintendent has authority to remove authorization from an employee at any time.

The district’s budget will fund the program, but Kennedy said the board will look for state grants.  The program will be put into place this school year, once the board decides on all relevant safety and security protocols.

The board did not hold public hearings on the safety measure.  Since discussion of this item was held in executive session, Kennedy offered no additional information on which training or security measures were being considered.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Like everyone else in this area, I hate the idea that anyone might hurt our school children or the people who teach them.

    The beauty of plans like this is the deterrence effect they will have on school shootings. Anyone intending to shoot up a school will avoid this one because no one knows how many teachers and staff will be armed.

  2. When is Brenham isd going to catch up? As much as the state may earn an F on education, on this issue Brenham has FAILED too. This issue was considered years ago then tabled for the next school year, never to be discussed again! Instead, we are hoping Brenham never has an active shooter incident and are actually teaching kids the difference between tattling and informing on friends! Here’s to hoping this gets the discussion going again. Well done Burton!

  3. True Civilian Sheepdogs! This Guardian plan was endorsed by local law enforcement officials and our district attorney. Over 212+ Texas ISDs have now taken realistic responsibility for defense against active shooters by having trained and armed staff protect the kids in those perilous first 1-5 minutes before law enforcement arrives. Both Burton and Fayetteville ISDs Get It!

    Brenham ISD leadership is NOT of that mindset.

    1. I really think you are being kind when you call what Brenham has “leadership”. They can’t lead in curriculum discipline, are academics. We made a big fat ‘C” on our state tests and they are running of good teachers left and right. It is time for a change which should include common sense protection of students like Burton is doing.

  4. I understand BISD has to make this news “public” but I hope they DO NOT release the names of who is going to be carrying….

  5. When this goes into effect, you can be certain that Burton will never experience a school shooting. Brenham will continue to rely on ID cards to stop bad guys.

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