Enough progress has been made in the renovations of the Brenham Middle School, that the Brenham School Board is ready for a walk through.
The $12 million in renovations at the Brenham Middle School will be ready for the beginning of the 2014-15 school year in August.
The Brenham School Board will join administrators Monday to tour the school and see what retired Assistant School Supt. Byron McAdams said at a recent school board a ‘virtually new school.’
McAdams told the school board during an update on the progress in April, that the school has been essentially reconstructed but the old original walls remain.
The newly renovated school is the result of a $26 million bond issue that Brenham school district voters approved in May of 2012. The bonds are also building a new Alton Elementary School on the site of the one-time Brenham Elementary School on South Market.
The bonds passed after the school board worked out a formula to pay for them without a tax increase. This was possible because the interest rate on bonds was very low.
The school board called the election after getting a report that the middle school was coming to the end of its useful life and would need massive renovations to keep it open.
The school board will be able to see the results when they gather at noon Monday at the school district’s administrative offices at 711 Mansfield, then go over to the middle school.