Officials with the AirMedCare Network have provided additional information on the supplemental insurance for air medical services being provided to Washington County residents.

Washington County residents will be soon receiving a letter in coming weeks offering them supplemental insurance for air medical services.

The current coverage offered to Washington County residents, as outlined in a municipal site membership with AirMedCare Network approved by the county in March, takes care of any copay for air medical services.  The medical insurance of residents, along with the membership, covers the cost of transport if they are in the covered area of Washington County and adjacent counties.  People without medical insurance can still utilize the service, but will be billed for Medicaid rates by the county.

AirMedCare Network Membership Sales Manager Heather Teer said this additional offering does not affect the base coverage already provided to Washington County residents.  Rather, the supplemental coverage acts as a near-nationwide plan, allowing residents to have no out-of-pocket cost for air transport whether they are located in Texas or almost anywhere else in the United States.



The membership costs $35 annually for seniors and $45 for a standard household.  Bills will be payable to AirMedCare Network and GMR.

The membership would not cover all helicopter providers, such as PHI, but would cover providers that are considered sister companies under the plan, such as REACH, Air Evac, Guardian Air, CALSTAR, and Med-Trans.

Teer noted that the membership covers the entire household of the subscriber.



Anyone with additional questions can call AirMedCare Network Area Director Loren Tepper at 870-280-9325, or email

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One Comment

  1. I don’t recall seeing if “part-time” residents of Washington County are eligible – those whose “permanent home address” are in a county other than adjacent counties, but spend a lot of R&R time at their Washington County property.