Dabrett Black
(Brazos Co. Jail)

The man accused of killing a DPS Trooper on Thanksgiving Day in 2017 has been found guilty by a Brazos County Grand Jury.

It took the jury just under two hours to return a guilty verdict for 37 year old Dabrett Black of Mount Sylvan. He was charged with Capital Murder of a Peace Officer.

Black shot and killed DPS Trooper Damon Allen with a rifle while he was sitting in his patrol vehicle.

Allen had pulled over Black for speeding on I-45, south of Fairfield. A police chase ensued, and later came to an end in Waller County on FM 1488 between Prairie View and Hempstead.

The defense said that Black suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a brain injury, and Schizophrenia.

Prosecutors presented footage showing Black pointing his rifle at Allen, and also later at a Waller County Sheriff’s Deputy after he had fled the scene.

Black will spend the rest of his life in prison after an agreement between the prosecution and defense. The prosecution agreed not to pursue the death penalty, if the defense would drop their insanity plea.

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  1. These deals between the defense and prosecution are disturbing, and show a justice system in demise.

    1. From a story on WAGS media, it relates that “He later joined the military and served in the Middle East, not just once or twice, but three times. After his second deployment, Brown [his sister] said Black just wasn’t the man or the brother she once knew.
      “My brother served three tours in Iraq,” she said quietly. “He came back not the same.”
      Black’s military health records showed after being involved in several explosions, he began to suffer from traumatic brain injuries. He was also diagnosed with a delusional disorder and PTSD.”

      In the last 20 years or so, those who serve in the military are labeled “heroes” , despite their service records or not, and disregarding the types of discharges they received; the problem with that is it creates problems in situations like this. Is he a hero, a criminal, a murderer, or a victim? If he had not started to get into trouble, he probably could have run for an elected position and had worlds of votes cast for him just because he was a veteran.

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