The City of Brenham has a money problem.  The problem is not that the City doesn’t have enough revenue.  The problem is the City spends it as fast as it comes in…and the staff and Council members justify it by saying “we have to have this”.  Under their proposed budget for the next fiscal year, property tax revenue is increasing over 18%, and overall revenue increases over 10%.  That’s an additional $1.7 million in revenue by leaving the tax rate the same as last year and calling it a “zero net revenue budget”.  Of course, we all know our property valuations have skyrocketed this past year.  And while homestead property is capped at a 10% increase each year, commercial property has no such protection.  Hence the 200 and 300% increases in valuation the property in downtown Brenham experienced this year.  The valuation of my company’s downtown property almost tripled, which means we will be paying almost three times the tax that we did last year.

But back to the City, where the proposed budget includes an additional $1.7 million in expenditures…an increase of almost 9%.  But again, they say “we have to have this”.  Most families and businesses, when faced with rising costs as we certainly are now, have to find ways to cut back on what they spend.  But not the City of Brenham.  No, they just raise your taxes, your water and sewer rates, and your trash collection rates to cover the spending.  City Council and staff…I understand your position.  Mismanagement over the past several years has left you with some major problems…like repaying FEMA for the work on the Lake Somerville water intake repairs…finding a new water source and expanding the water treatment plant to accommodate all of the new development Brenham is experiencing…and building a second fire station because that project has been put off by previous administrations.  I get it.  But if you really “have to have this”, then maybe now is the time to find some things you can do without for a while.  That’s what families and businesses have to do.

I have some close friends on the Brenham City Council, and I understand the position they are in.  But it’s time for our elected officials to stand up to staff members who say “we have to have this”…and maybe ask them what they are willing to give up to make that happen.  I know the Council is considering lowering the tax rate by 2 cents because they discovered an error in figuring their revenue.  But I bet there is still the same amount of revenue being generated by property taxes as before.  Come on Council members…you can do better.  Run the City like you do your business and your family.

And that’s the way it looks to this Spectator.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. It’s time for a cleansing. Time to vote out the cancerous school board members, city council, and county commissioners, state representative, and state senator. The same people keep getting elected over and over again. However, we keep getting taxed more and more. No real improvements to our city or county. One example of misuse of tax dollars, the city trash pick up. In my opinion was a bad decision made by city officials. For one, it never went out for bid. Two, they never asked the tax payer if they could do this. They made this deal behind closed doors and told us what they were going to do. So now instead of us having city employees come twice a week and pick up our trash, we have trash barrels littering our city streets, get picked up once a week, and they raised the rates. And it’s about to raise again. I could go on and on….. but I’ll save you the misery and not. But hey, I told you so. The only way that this madness is going to stop is to vote them out.

  2. The root of the problem is the State’s appraisal system which is “rigged” for
    ever higher tax revenue–taxes should be based on transactional reality– you
    can’t pay taxes from cash flow you don’t have.

  3. Tom, I doubt it will help but thank you for having the courage to say this in a public setting.

    These council members honestly think they can be hard nosed and make excellent financial decisions when they are running for office. “I will lower taxes”- one of their favorite lies.

    Unfortunately they fall into the same trap over and over again. They let the “staff recommendations” and “in house financial experts” tell them what the city “really” needs and they fall for it hook line and sinker every single time.

    The city’s budget review is a rushed process (it’s planned) to hurry the council members into a hazy vote of “yes” let’s increase the taxes.

    They say things like, “it will sound great because we are keeping the tax rate the same, when in fact they are raising tax rates astronomically to fund growth.

    What growth!!?? The population has grown by 10 percent in the last twenty years.

    Council, especially Shannon, Leah, and Adonna please realize what you are doing and change your minds. These department heads know where they can trim at least 10 percent of the fat in their budgets. They just are not being forced too.

    Let’s slow the process down and take our time to make the best decision. Please do not raise the amount of tax dollars coming in this year.

  4. And now they want to “study” and impact fee! That means hiring consultants at 10’s of thousands of dollars. Selecting a committee to study the proposal, all of whom will probably be paid, and then, implement the plan. Do they really think these companies pay for these fees? They are passed on to the end user of what the company produces. Apartment rent goes up. Groceries go up. Gas goes up. It’s such a racket that we peons, (working stiffs if you’d rather) pay for in one way or another!

  5. Well, they are acting just like Washington DC. except the city does not a money-making machine

  6. remember they keep getting vote back into office. speaks well of the citizens.

  7. In agreement with you Spectator. Downtown businesses will suffer and we will see more vacant stores fronts. Why spend money on attracting tourists to downtown if they can’t exist due to high taxes ?
    Each budget item must be throughly examined for reductions, but particularly any non essential item. For example, the Barnhill Center. If it is not supporting itself ( all costs) then make adjustments enough to at least break even. At one time we had a very detailed published budget, not so now, as very large expenditures of a different but related nature are listed as one expense, hiding extravagant spending. I urge all citizens to go online and review this budget. Up until the last city council we had a somewhat balanced fiscal responsibility attitude. But this last election totally changed the political nature of the council. Tax and spend, or increased fees, for vital services has become their mode of operation. Not one of these current council members knows what it is like to truly struggle financially year after year and they are not mindful of our more than 25% at or below poverty rate citizens, especially seniors trying to live on $900.00 per month. And renters do pay property taxes thru their rent dollars.
    I am a fiscally conservative democrat, and yes, many of us do exist. Regardless of party affiliations, ordinary, sensible citizens have this in common, we expect our representatives to be fiscally responsible with our money. But, we get what we vote for.

  8. If we had more people to stand up and speak out like the spectator we would be alot better off. Thank you Mr. Spectator for all you do.

  9. Couldn’t agree more. It was unbelievable when they announced, “City staff is recommending that the city keep the same tax rate as last year to fund the growth of the city.” The continuing war in Ukraine has driven up the cost of groceries, and property taxes can be the equivalent of one or two month’s salaries. Yes, please find somewhere else to cut costs.

    Stand in the aisle of any grocery store and you’ll see families put items back on the shelf because they’re not in their budget.

  10. Amen Mr Spectator…apply the same comments to the School board. They need to rain in an out of control Superintendent. And they Darn sure need to come up with a better Jr High Plan. I hope all you taxpayers listen to our comments and let the elected officials know we are tired of this and they need stop the spending at our expense

    1. Exactly, financial responsibility is of the utmost importance especially given the inflation problems. Many citizens are already strapped with high grocery prices, utilities, and gas. Just cut the waste! All departments!

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