Four work session items will come up for discussion at Thursday’s Brenham City Council meeting.

One of the topics will be potential revisions to the city’s code of ordinances pertaining to zoning and subdivisions. 

Specifically, the city’s Development Services Department is seeking council input on amending the accessory dwelling unit standard provision regarding residency requirements.  It is also looking for feedback on whether to adjust the accessory structure setback provision to require accessory structures on corner lots to be set back behind the front façade of the main structure on the nearest adjacent lot.  Finally, the department is considering revising language to encourage the use of alleys in townhome developments for garage access.

Also in work session, the council will receive information on a proposed amendment to city code for buildings and structures for the adoption of the 2021 editions of the International Building Code Suite and 2020 National Electric Code.

Another item will cover a recent voter-approved amendment to the Texas Constitution that went into effect on January 1st, allowing local governments to exempt qualifying childcare facilities from ad valorem property taxation.  The council has the option to exempt up to 100 percent, but no less than 50 percent.  The exemption amount decided upon will be brought back via a resolution at the council’s next meeting. 

The fourth work session item will be a presentation of the city’s 2023-24 second quarter financial report. 

Once in regular session, councilmembers will act upon a lease agreement between the city and Washington County for the 911 Communications Facility at 301 North Baylor Street.  The city leases the building to the county as part of the interlocal agreement between the two entities for dispatch services. 

The council will then consider an increase in the fire department’s expenditures in the 2023-24 adopted budget to add three firefighters.  The city’s current budget authorizes the filling of four firefighter positions, and the proposed budget for 2024-25 includes the hiring of three firefighters beginning in October. 

City Manager Carolyn Miller wrote in the agenda packet that in recruiting for the four firefighter positions in the current budget, Fire Chief Mark Donovan is looking to also fill the three firefighter positions for the next budget, stating that the competition for qualified applicants is strong and the department does not want to limit its ability to hire them until the new fiscal year. 

Once regular session concludes, the council will head into executive session to consult with the city attorney regarding the Brenham Municipal Airport, the city’s gas distribution system and the city’s wastewater treatment plant operations.  It will also speak with the attorney on matters concerning the Brenham Municipal Airport and about Commonwealth Development, Inc. v. City of Brenham, Texas; Fair Housing Care No. 06-22-3294-8.  The latter item involved the proposed tax-credit housing development on Pecan Street that was rejected by the city council in February 2021.  No action is expected to be taken on any of the executive session items. 

The council will meet Thursday at 1 p.m. at Brenham City Hall.

Click here to view the agenda packet for Thursday's meeting.

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