Country Store Monday 3-10


Monday 03-10-2025

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For Sale: ’48 Ford F-5 truck, good oil, turns over, NO bed ; ’48 Ford-5 truck, 4WD, has bed, engine is stuck, some body work done ; ’35 Ford truck, has all of the hood radiator and chrome on it ; (3) Cedar logs, 8-12’ long, about 12-14” dia. ; (22) pcs. of cast iron cookware, cleaned and seasoned, ready to use (dutch ovens, bean pots, skillets, and wash pots) ; Wanted: 6’ disc plow, 3-pt. – 512-213-8314

For Sale: Miniature Australian Sheppard dog, blue merle, blue eyes, 9 wks. old, on Heartguard and up to date on vaccinations, doggie door potty trained $450 – 281-961-2842

Garage Sale: Fri. and Sat. 8:30a-3p 305 Pahl St. ; furniture, sm. household items, appliances, tools, artificial Christmas trees and much, much more – ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH PACKING PARTY FOR OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOE BOXES


For RENT: 2/2 duplex, full kitchen, washer and dryer, carport, patio 605 W. 2nd St. – 979-251-2576

FOR SALE: (2) full size couches recline lumbar support with adjustable head rest with usb ports end $400 for both - 281-808-1118

FOR SALE: fresh fertile chicken eggs for hatching $3 per dozen - 979-242-3590

LOOKING FOR: 6 to 8 week old rabbits - 979-325-9640 ask for joan

FOR SALE: sturdy wedge pillow $25; molasses tubs $5 each - 979-277-8845

FOR SALE: cord of firewood $350; toyota rims $350; tailgate bed extender $50; concrete house steps $150 - 979-200-1836

LOOKING FOR: wheelbarrow; someone who does oil leasing for owned land – 832-567-0454

FOR SALE: 2 piece luggage with wheels turquoise $65 obo; copper tubing 20 ft and 12 ft long $20; chevrolet car parts for a 2005 chevy impala; coleman ice chest with wheels used once $50; redman water pump with wheels and all attachments $600 – 832-567-0454

FOR SALE: 1998 Ford f150 with 162,000 miles; Obsession Sensation compound bow - text or call for pictures -  979-251-2856

FOR SALE: 1960 pier and beam house priced to sell for move $25k 2 bd / 1 bath 1200 square feet; wrap around porch halfway; double pane window all the way around; new hvac, insulation, flooring, metal roof, has been updated - located off of park road 4 and 416 across from big creek at Lake Somerville – 832-419-7420

LOOKING FOR: old junk cars and trucks any kind cash  – 979- 251-4585 call any time

FOR FREE: roosters located in Shelby – 979-530-3103

FOR SALE: 27 ton champion wood splitter $1150 - 979-347-2647

FOR SALE: 48 inch John Deere mower deck (just the deck) for regular riding mower; older square fan from the 50’s excellent working condition; floral design sofa couch excellent condition; gas stove from a mobile home; small refrigerator from a mobile home; 97 Lincoln town car in excellent condition one owner one drive - 979-830-9095

FOR SALE: 2015 Chevy Avalanche 146,000 miles leather seats a/c heat sell or trade for a small 4 cylinder vehicle; 360cc yamaha four wheeler; honda 300cc four wheeler – 979-551-1826

LOOKING FOR: 10 or 20 laying hens – 979-551-1826

FOR SALE: 26ft bumper pull 2021 travel trailer with (1) queen size bed and dbl bunks, full fridge and stove asking 20k obo - 979-203-3886

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