A “die-in” protest will take place this Saturday at U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul’s Brenham office in objection to his recent vote on health care.
The protest will happen outside of Rep. McCaul’s office at 2000 S. Market Street in Brenham from noon to 1:30.
A die-in, sometimes known as a lie-in, is a form of protest in which participants simulate being dead.
"The die-in is simply a visual aide in expressing the general feelings and discontent with what our legislators have done with health care" says Sally Clinton, a participant in Saturday's event. "We are objecting to their destruction of the American Health Care Act and destroying coverage for millions of people."
A group of rural Texans is putting on the event, upset with U.S. Rep. McCaul about his stance on health care and his failure to conduct a town hall meeting.
“Citizens from many communities in Rep. McCaul’s congressional district have implored him to hold one or more town hall meetings so that we can understand his positions on a number of issues, particularly health-care” stated a press release. “We also want to let him know what we think. But our numerous requests have been ignored. That is why we are taking the extraordinary step of a nonviolent 'die-in' to highlight our frustrations.”
For more information, visit
I think we are all missing the point, TRUMP WON! Now we have to abide by his policies and policies of his appointies, just like we had to with obama. So let’s just deal with it. That’s what the silent majority did till the election. Yes he was elected. Just wait 4 years and vote again.
FYI protestors. Obamacare is IMPLODING. Many states only have one insurer left on the exchange and Iowa is going to lose their last insurer next year meaning there will be NO insurance for those using the Obamacare exchanges in Iowa.
Well, at least we can all congratulate ourselves that the implosion isn’t for lack of cooperation, teamwork, and goodwill! Must just be a natural phenomenon.
I had fun there, I was brutally honest, also my goal was to take attention from the protesters, yall focused on my loud mouth giving them “what for” that they only accomplished one staged picture for your facebook, Hardly a agenda worth any salt.
My college classes, psychology and sociology did payoff.
Citizen Z, that is hilarious. What a great idea. Not sure why these folks thought showing up on a Saturday dressed in black and white and protesting in front of what was essentially and empty office building makes any difference, but at least someone was there to call them out. Good job! In the mean time, PRESIDENT TRUMP continues through the middle east standing up for American in the face of adversity.
If their protest didn’t make a difference, then why bother counter-protesting?
As far as Jesus not specifically saying the government should help the poor, a few points: The government then was the epically cruel Roman Empire, with its slavery and totalitarian rule. It would not have cared for the poor or downtrodden in any case. We live in a kinder and more humane society today, although laissez faire capitalism did starve many people in the Great Depression – just listen to some of the Appalachian songs of that time. Jesus did say, over and over, that we should help the poor. He even told a rich man to sell all his possessions and give to the poor. (Hear that, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn?) No doubt there are some churches out there that are struggling mightily to help the poor, but if you look around you will find that for many churches this is a limited endeavor, just a sideline, as it were. Yes, we should all care for our loved ones. It is admirable to keep your sick and elderly family members at home when you can – we did, with my dad, when he was immobile from a stroke, for eleven years. But we could not have done it without Medicare, and when the Medicare ran out, he had to leave the hospital when he was very sick, and went home to die. But not all poor, sick, and elderly people have families that can do that. Some are alone. When I was young, my dad told me that Medicare and Social Security were the best things government ever did, as so many families were plunged into destitution by caring for their loved ones. We live in a civilized society today, but we are still the only one that does not have universal health care. Is it Christian that the rich should live and the poor should die? Conservatives have so much anger toward the suffering poor, who often work much harder than they do, but give all kinds of excuses to big businesses who take our taxes for corporate bailouts, subsidies, and political favors. Big Pharma and Big Insurance are two of the greediest, most ruthless culprits. They steal and cheat each other all the time. I think doctors and nurses should be the best compensated members of society, but they overcharge too. We recently found a bill from the hospital for my sister’s birth in 1945. $5.00. That’s five dollars, total. Even with adjustment for inflation, that is a great difference from today. The common person could afford medical care back then, it didn’t have to do with people wanting to be bums or game the system, it was just affordable. Obamacare was flawed, because concessions had to be made to the insurance industry so it could be passed, but Trumpcare will be terrible for people, a great step backward, and an unsustainable situation. We need good healthcare like all the other civilized countries on earth.
Well said Mr. Freeman, thank you.
Is it “Christian” to destroy the best healthcare system in the world and downgrade care for everyone. “Universal” healthcare means Medicare for everyone. People come here from other countries like Canada so they don’t have to wait two months for an appointment. You talk about someone that had to leave the hospital when Medicare ran out, so it is OK with you to do that to everyone? I suggest you READ the Obamacare bill CAREFULLY, the “death” panels are real and would kick in in a couple of years.
I was there yesterday and I think it is worth sharing the comments of those that opposed our peaceful demonstration.
One man in particular yelled at us, many who have well reached retirement age, to “get a job.” An elderly woman was yelled at that she “probably got her first abortion at Woodstock” (wasn’t legal then). Called the demonstrators faggots, socialists, communists, paid by Soros, freaks, and many many more pejorative words I won’t repeat here because my post might be rejected. I know many don’t agree with us, but the level of pure hate directed at us was remarkable. Fortunately, given that we live in the area, (not Austin) these actions were not unexpected.
While I do agree the guy was blue, I disagree the protesters were entirely innocent of that behavior.
There was baiting to get him started (innocuous but yes, done). The laughter at him was also condescending.
It was his freedom of speech – though yes crass. It would’ve been interesting however to have seen this during the week instead of a mostly barren weekend.
(Note I disagree with McCaul on several views, but do observe things at face value).
I’m interested to hear your take on how the protestors “baited him” and how you think it would have been different during the week? Since you were there, you saw most of the attendees were older, mostly retired.
We did not respond to insults by insulting back. We did not yell back. We did not say pejorative words (although it was tempting at times). Being screamed at for an hour can create some defensiveness. But since you are so objective, please elaborate on how his behavior was acceptable at face value
You had people tell where they were from. The counter-protesters, saying (and finding out) your group is Soros backed (and a politico story further down backs this), he would naturally respond.
These by the way WERE yelled, and started him up. They were however innocuous of “I’m from Bastrop!” “I’m from La Grange.”
Looking at from his POV it likely read “see, we can get people to support us, you cannot.”
I do believe however if you protested during a weekday, they sides would’ve flip-flipped given the county is deep red. The county has been Republican for decades. This city tends to be a suitcase city/lazy town. I know too not many people walked by to wave, etc. – that corner isn’t busy most of the week.
And please do not put words in my mouth.
I did not say you insulted anyone as he did.
The laughter however and shaking of heads on you side was condescending and can trigger people as well.
And you are exaggerating he screamed “for an hour” especially as it was an hour and a half protest. It was periodic, at maybe 10 min. Intervals at first. It probably would’ve stayed quiet until you read the grievances except for the baiting I listed above.
Finally – again, you put words in my mouth saying I accepted his words.
If you read my comment I said he went blue – which means foul language. He was also crass.
Altering people’s words into something else does NOT help your case either.
I only see things for what they are. Personally I do not agree with McCaul on many issues; however, again I will call things as I see.”
Like it or not both sides did rile the other up.
He was vulgar.
You were polite but condescending to him to keep him agitated.
We are not backed by Soros. Period. We are concerned individuals coming together outside McCaul’s office. He is not addressing our concerns and we want to be heard. Period.
I disagree that we encouraged his behavior. Period.
Hmmm. Setting aside the inaccuracies in your post about funding (we receive no outside funding from anyone, or any other Indivisible group) you do realize that Bastrop, La Grange, and Austin are all in District 10, right? We are all McCaul’s constituents, and have a 1st amendment right to address him. Also, why do you have a double standard about free speech? Conservatives are allowed to shout hateful things at us, but we are supposed to remain stoic and silent? No laughing or responding? No “condescending” to the fragile, frightened man who insults women and fellow citizens with hatred and vulgarity? We were not laughing to goad him in any way. We were laughing because he was pathetic and hilarious.
Then Roberta, we will disagree in spite of a neutral observer. As I said BOTH at fault stirring the other up.
There was however research done and you were funded by There’s an article further down that shows this if you don’t want to believe me.
People will disagree that you didn’t start the guy up. As I said you were innocently doing it with the city comments, but he did NOT start commenting until then.
He continued, the only thing you are correct on, that no one on you side did not however is an opinion.
Robert, they may be in District 10; however they’re NOT local. Local is within a half hour drive: none of those are.
And it is your OWN people who said you were silent and friendly, and the other guy was yelling. This isn’t accurate, nor is claim he was “fragile.” Going by your definition, BOTH were because they exchanged words – even if listing your cities.
I’ve also linked a source in this thread from another one citing the truth on funding.
And it’s clear you cannot (or refuse) to read my post.
I said you DID respond, but it was condescending and to incite the other side. This is something YOUR leader, Roberta Lynch, denies.
I’ve NEVER said you had no right to state your views so again, do not put words in my mouth.
But sorry – you did know what to do to goad him. He WAS silent until you all started shouting where you were from.
I’m not innaccurate Robert. You wish no one sees the full story.
Perhaps it wasn’t able to be done during the week while everyone was WORKING. I’m curious to know how many of the counter-protestors, who were yelling for people to get jobs, managed to get time off from their own jobs to be able to be there as well. Seems like a ridiculous thing to tell people.
Thank you to all TX 10 constituents who made it out to stand up for our rights to healthcare, even the for the counter protestor’s rights. Bravo!
Michele – ok, Roberta said their side was mostly senior citizens.
You say you all worked – which is counter to most of the seniors complaining repealing ACA affects Medicare. (FYI, I inquired on counter protesters, given the few. All took time off from weekend job to be there and said more would’ve been there if possible).
Brenham also has a higher percentage of folks traveling on weekends. It’s clear this group knew it and have similar situation. Most of their group was not local Brenham folk.
My comment about during week not “ridiculous,” bit it is interesting the conflicting info in getting from said protest group,
You keep telling me who we are funded by. You are 100% wrong. We are not funded by anyone. We are not affiliated with Move On. You are wrong. And you are untruthful when you say that the heckler was responding to anything other than our presence and protest. He began screaming obscenities at us immediately and we responded sparingly, and mostly with laughter. We stuck to a “do not engage” policy, and mostly ignored him. Your self-described role as a neutral observer is undermined when you don’t stick to the facts.
We need God desperately in USA! I think deception is a big end times sign along with knowledge explosion recently. Of course the Middle East mostly Israel is a huge end times sign! We have so much division in USA and Brenham with politics. So while we r arguing over healthcare and so many other topics the USA might be attacked. USA is not mentioned in The End Times! I really think God is going to do something very big soon with America!
May God help us as a nation! Deception is all around including fake news like CNN. Liberals r so confused about McCaul and Trump. They riot and burn buildings in Oregon among other places. We Christian conservatives and republicans did not burn stuff when obama tried to divide land of Israel and went against our Christian values. We were outraged and we prayed! And we voted!
The activist that came to Brenham were / are paid by soros shadow companies, they go around Texas in Republican districts for a photo shoots for their website , they get more money for the more they stage. They protest a duly elected official in our area Mccaul. They use these cardboard tomb stones that mimic look similar to the anti abortion groups and half the people driving by think it’s about abortion deaths and blow the horn being a good Christian totally unaware of what’s going on. The group that came from Austin is based in Austin and a totally fake news agitators paid for by the Democratic funding from Soros.
This is not true. We are all independent citizens from congressional district 10, and constituents of Rep. McCaul. No one was paid by anyone to be there. We are just doing our civic duty as Americans. Your post is 100% false.
Well, the demonstration went well. Many supporters came by with thumbs up and waves. And the local die-in group enjoyed using their first amendment rights. All was orderly and pleasant despite the almost constant stream of verbal obscenities shouted out from across the street by a group of six displaying McCaul, Trump-Pence signs. We laughed it off and blew them kisses, and waived our flags.
Some people resort to lies and vulgar name-calling when they know they don’t have the truth in their side. Pretty pathetic.
*on their side
God Bless you for standing up for Washington County! USA USA USA .God Pray for America
Liberals protest this but support abortion! Makes no sense at all!
You can’t have fair taxation if the government will be funding education and health care for all. Where do you think the money comes from? This would just be more redistribution of wealth we don’t have. “For all” will also include all non citizens who have never contributed but will gladly take from the coffers. This cannot be sustained.
Wealth is already being redistributed. We are trying to get some of it to flow back to the taxpayer. And who says we can’t do it? Every developed country in the world takes care of its sick people. Except for us. We are Americans. We can do this.
Yeah, and the ones that can afford it come to the US for life saving medical care Robert Kraft.
I think some of you forgot about the bill of rights.
As a reminder, “right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
I don’t understand all you people talking about “Handouts”, Free Stuff”, etc. Nobody is asking for that. We all pay taxes, and just want OUR tax dollars to go towards helping everyone have access to quality healthcare, instead of going into the coffers of giant multi-national corporations. We all have jobs. Any of you who think that just “working for a living” means you can afford healthcare must not have had any illness or accidents in your family or your own life. Congratulations. But when it happens to you, you will be glad that all of us “Liberals” were out there fighting for you and your loved ones. See you tomorrow!
I could actually afford health expenses and coverage for my family before you liberals voted in Obama. Thanks for nothing.
Yes. Insurance companies took healthcare away from some people under Obamacare. That needs to be fixed.
Could not help myself, had to respond to this. I am a Veteran of U.S.A.F, used the GI bill to get a good education (MBA). Have paid and still pay a lot in taxes to support our way of life. With this education almost always had a good job (because I prepared myself). I do not wish bad for anyone but they cannot go out and get a $10.00 per hour job (or not) and then expect the government to subsidize their situation. They must work to improve themselves. If not then they get what they deserve. A “hand up” absolutely. A “hand out” is not a right as a U.S. citizen. Obama care is a disaster, we have to change to something else. Doubt that anything that is passed will be perfect or even close to it but continuing with failed Obama care is not the answer. Liberals need to become part of the solution or get out of the way.
But what happens if you lose that good paying job with benefits? Or worse become very ill with a life threatening condition? That’s what I fear. I have a good paying job and health insurance, but how quickly that could change. Medical bills cause bankruptcy a lot more than people realize, you can lose everything if you get sick. Like it or not, insurance companies control our healthcare and rule our lives through our employers, time for some restraint on their greed. I respect your opinion, however, if worse came to worse, you have Tricare or the VA. Many of us don’t and that is why we were there today. A great deal of the citizens at the event today are retired and informed. Both AARP and AMA opposed this legislation, but I guess they are liberals too?
Let’s see Brenham ‘ s loudest conservatives there to shout these liberal misfits down.
I’m going to be there to do just that.
Yes we saw you screaming at us, calling us names, and being insulting. You confirmed every stereotype I had of alt right people. As my mother would say “some people are just not raised right” and you are clearly one of those people.
Roberta, It was one person, and he was baited by a few who proudly (and bit mockingly) stated where they were from. (I state mockingly because it was to intone “you couldn’t get anyone here after all” – or read that way).
The laughter from your side translated as condescending of him, which is just as improperly raised.
Neither fully behaved themselves – one overly brash, the other quiet condescending.
I was there as a protester. With respect there is no comparison of behavior between the two groups. The protesters were peaceful and did not engage with the heckler. The heckler was using very foul language and calling us horrible, hateful, nasty names. The heckler was verbally abusive. We did not agitate him, he came agitated. If you feel we protesters deserved that type of abuse,
I will not even try to understand your mentality. I am all for counter protest as long as it is peaceful. Our disappointment and agenda was/is with McCaul as his constituents. The heckler’s agenda was very clear, he was there to harass. The heckler was so bad, I am glad we did not have children with us. It is very sad that one can have so much hate in their heart. I am praying for the heckler.
Peace be with you.
I’m sorry but you’re wrong. They engaged him by yelling where they were from. He did NOT start shouting until then.
And do not put words in my mouth: I do not agree with him, but your side did know how to agitate him into starting. It was innocuous, but you all know that he thought (I’ve checked, there is truth to this) you were Soros backed and shipped it.
So by listing where you were from you knew he’d start calling you names due to that knowledge.
I do NOT condone his actions; but disagree your side was totally innocent of preventing it.
Fact: Congressional District 10 is not just Brenham – his office is in Brenham.
Fact: 133,000 voters did not vote for McCaul in 2016. 180,000 voters did. Those 133,000 people still have their voice and their rights.
Fact: Congressional District 10 does include a fair amount of North Austin, the Woodlands, and almost all the way to El Campo.
I do not realize why a lot of good people in Washington county could believe only folks saying they are conservative are the good guys. They are much more concerned for the top 1% of the wealthiest people in the county than the other 99%. I am retired, been blessed financially, and a senior citizen. The conservatives in our government always want to blame finances when the call to help people with healthcare, social security, or welfare but have no problem spending the farm on military, prisons or the war on drugs. The super rich folks like McCaul have been mad about the 3.8% tax on capital gains to fund Medicaid to justify the ACA. This is the real reason the super rich hate Obamacare and want it repealed.
I am rich and not stupid. The current politicians Texas has in the state and federal only serve wealthy, powerful interest and not we the people.
There is a huge difference between healthcare, Social Security, welfare, and the military and law enforcement functions of government. The military and law enforcement are proper constitutionally authorized duties of government, while others that you mentioned are not. James Madison, the man who wrote a large portion of the Constitution once said, “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”
I say you people need to go back in time where you worked for what you got. If not leave and say nothing. We are tired of paying your way.
I support McCaul! I’m a Christian! The liberals r trying to destroy USA! The liberal media continues to lie consistently!
If you are a Christian then you should remember it is a duty of a Christian to help others in need especially the health care needs of those less fortunate than us. Life isn’t just about making a buck and letting the next man die! Also for your information it was the OLD democrats who had the insight to institute Social Security, Medicare etc. While repubs vehemently opposed it. The elderly can barely survive on the pittances of social security today but without it they would die. Also if there were no Medicare and Medicaid then you would be taking care of your parents and grandparents at your house instead of getting care at a nursing facility. It all talks smart but get thrown off your high horse and lose everything, you will be the first one to holler OMG help me!
I’m a Christian and Obamacare is just bad policy. I help people on my own initiative, as does my church and many of it’s members. What I don’t believe in is the government confiscating my money and then deciding how it can best be spent. The government is not efficient with anything. Christian duty has nothing to do with turning over every aspect of our lives to the government.
The initial purpose of health insurance was to cover catastrophic events…not every little trip to health clinic. In 2008, I could cover my family with a 2nd level plan for $550 a month. My deductible was $1500 and maximum out of pocket was $3000. Today I’m on the lowest plan for $1300 a month, my deductible is $5000 and maximum out of pocket is $12,000. I pay more than a third of my income for health insurance now!
This is how liberal policy works. It’s horrible and inefficient when implemented, but they try to get Christians and the kind-hearted to buy in by tugging at your heartstrings and telling you how much it’s going to help the less fortunate. In reality, it makes us all less fortunate. It was a power grab and bad plan from the beginning. Sadly, I’m not sure the new replacement does much to fix it.
I AM a Christian. Christianity does not decree or even TEACH, that the GOVERNMENT should be generous or caregiving WITH SOMEONE ELSE’S MONEY. While it is biblical to help others, it is ON A PERSONAL BASIS, NOT BY GOVERNMENT DECREE.
Those minor looking changes in wording;, leaving out a word here, changing a word there in a narrative IS, in my opinion, a great part of the problem we are having in America as well our State.
I did indeed grow up into my teenage years, when my widowed grandmother moved in with each one of her 6 children for two months of the year. She was able to interact with her children and grandchildren far better than being stuck in a “home.” I am a personal witness that wasn’t at all bad in our case. Personally I think we should try more of it not less. It would also help instill in the grandchild passed on first hand personal family values, rather than those “taught” in school.
Until I went to school much of my childcare was by one or the other of my grandmothers, while my mother helped in the field, and look how I turned out. (that’s a smile)
So true, as a Social Worker, I have worked for agencies that serve the disabled and now with Seniors and I see the struggles every day for those living on fixed incomes. They worked hard their whole lives and now they are living on a fixed income, which for some may be less than $850 a month. Try to survive on that. If we didn’t have programs in place, we would be hard pressed to define ourselves as Christians. I hope people can get passed the “liberals vs conservatives” and look deep within themselves to do the right thing.
You are correct that it is a Christian duty to help those in need. This charitable duty is strictly between the giver and recipient, and it is strictly voluntary. There is no charity in using the coercive taxing authority of the Federal Government to force people to turn over what they have earned so that it can be redistributed to others, often for the ultimate political benefit of certain politicians. You are also correct that it was Democrats who instituted Social Security. It was also Democrats who took the money set aside for Social Security and placed it in general funds to be spent on who knows what, leaving Social Security essentially broke and turning it into a federal pyramid scheme that has been predicted to fail in the next 20 years. Also, since your parents and grandparents took care of you when you were unable to do so for yourself, it is your responsibility to do the same for your parents when they are unable to do so for themselves. If you fail in that responsibility, it is not really anyone else’s business. Being proud that you support financing the warehousing of your inconvenient family members by making strangers pay a separate payroll tax is reprehensible.
Only liberals would do this! They believe the liberal media lies! Sad for USA! May God help us as a nation!
Plain and simple no permit anybody there other than police are arrested and charged apporately for a crime to the fullest extent of the law .Ps.bring out that big green monster vehicle. As A SHOW OF FORCE
Charged with what? Peacefully protesting a legislative vote by an elected Federal official? This used to be America, but now I’m not so sure anymore. By the way, were you planning to protest that new property tax increase? You are? Hold on, let me call Erdogan to see if his bodyguards are free to provide security.
Have you seen a peacfull prost by a liberal any where in the united states lately. Ps. CNN doesn’t. Count
I expect to see one Saturday at Mr. McCaul’s office. If there is any violence, I don’t expect it will come from folks laying around on the ground. Furthermore, I don’t watch CNN, or any television, for that matter — I read. I spend several hours of EACH day reading news from both conservative and liberal outlets, as well as science articles and local, national, and world history. I am a proud honor graduate of BHS and Texas A&M, as well as a combat veteran of the United States Army. I did not fight for a country founded on principles of repression, I fought for a country that allowed ALL voices to be peacefully heard out. What are you fighting for, the right to have your opinion forcefully beaten out of you when a larger or armed group of people don’t agree with you? Prejudge at your own risk, buddy.
I wish the liberals would work harder at making something useful of themselves, rather that acting stupid.
Typical liberal action. Protest when they don’t get their way while the hardworking conservatives are working and providing for those the liberals are “fighting for”. Thank you, Rep. McCaul for doing the right thing.
You do realise that Republicans are not the only people that have jobs, work hard, and pay taxes, Right?
Very appropriate for liberals to just lie down.
It’s so easy to give things away when you are using someone else’s money. So easy to demonize people who try
I don’t support what the Republicans did, mainly because I don’t even understand what the new plan does.
But I remember how happy I was when I heard Obama was going to take on the problems with healthcare. Then my joy turned to pain when I found out the plan. A “normal” plan will now be considered a “Cadillac plan” and taxed out of existence. Why dis-incentivize health care coverage? Easy. Because they goal was to have a system so flawed it would have to be replaced with a single payer system.
Yes, “Indivisible” has backing from George Soros. This is not grass roots. These are nationally-connected agitators coming from Austin to stir things up in Brenham. You can keep Austin weird but we don’t want it here.
By the way, here is their plan:
Tentative Plan for this Saturday
Everyone, please wear black, white, or black and white and assemble in pairs at 2000 S. Market Street, Brenham at noon. One person in the pair will carry a tombstone protest sign and the other will hold a black or white umbrella decorated with white or black crepe paper. We will have a large banner, also black/white with something on it like “McCaul Killed Us All” (NEED SUGGESTIONS).
We will walk solemnly behind one of the organizers who will be pushed in a wheel chair. The organizer will have a bullhorn and will read her statement of protest to McCaul’s overall indifference to the needs of his constituents and his YES votes on Trumpcare. One by one, people lined up behind the organizer will read their own brief statements or perhaps a single word or phrase emphasizing their need for affordable care, like “CANCER!’ or ‘MY 12-YR OLD SON HAS ____!” or “I WAS BORN WITH A PRE-EXISTING CONDITION.” When last statement is read, the organizer will take back the bullhorn and cue us all to “die” by loudly repeating the slogan on the banner.
Most of us will lie down with our tombstones on our chests or holding umbrellas overhead, while a few other people will cover the bodies with white sheets.After counting to 30(?) we will get up and disperse.
It’s all scripted and fake. Fake news from the leftists. What else is new?
So who else wants to show up to counter protest?? Let’s shout them down and drown them out!!!
LOL! Good grief! These people need to get a life…or a JOB!
We are all local progressives many of whom are Christians who practice what they preach. Jesus would be so ashamed of the so called Christians who preach every man for himself.
We stand for principles of which your Savior would hold dear, investing in our future with good education, healthcare for all, good jobs, fair taxation, and equal justice, just for starters
I am a Christian and I help my fellow humans whenever I can. Jesus did teach to help others in need. But in the Bible, it speaks of working to earn your keep. I have many health problem and I pay $1900 a month for healthcare for myself and my family that i didn’t purchase on the exchange. There is only one insurer available to me here and it is an HMO with an $1800 price tag. That plan wouldn’t cover my speciality medicine that I must have. It has deductibles so high that I couldn’t afford to go to the doctor due to the fact that I would have to spend $7500 of my money before the insurance would kick in. This is on top of paying that hefty premium. I have had the same insurance for 7 years and I have watched my deductibles, out of pocket expenses and premiums rise exponentially. My husband works hard to keep us all insured under this plan. I am a perfect example of someone with a pre-existing condition. In the plan passed in the house, you have 60 days to obtain coverage before you are penalized for your pre-existing condition! The Affordable Care Act is busted. It has been imploding for years now. If something isn’t done, the whole health care system is going to buckle. Are the protests about saving American lives and access to health insurance or against our president, Donald Trump?
What is the source of your contention that Soros backs Indivisible, other than fake news outlets like Breitbart? A credible source? I ask because it is common practice to blame all opposition voices on Soros…
I’ll just go with the story from left-wing Politico:
The Politico story claims the co-founder “flatly denies” receiving funding from Soros. He actually says, “It doesn’t matter who we take money from.” Then Politico goes on to connect the dots to Soros by mentioning Indivisible’s phone campaigns that were done with support from (Soros financed).
Then there is this:
3 of the 5 board members already had ties to Nazi-collaborator Soros. No liberals want to admit to ties to Soros but his hand is in nearly every liberal movement.
McCaul has my support. And it isn’t the AMERICAN HEALTH CARE ACT. It is the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT that was destroyed, That coverage for millions of people is making health care costs sky rocket out of control. We either cover millions of people and the country goes bankrupt or we find an alternative solution. No people will Die as a result of the ACA being repealed.
Thank you but these people are the ones that don’t work and want something for nothing