Over 350 Brenham High School seniors were honored Saturday night at the annual graduation exercises at Cubs Stadium.
The Class of 2021 saw 352 seniors cross the stage to receive their diplomas.
The top two graduates of the class of 2021 were: valedictorian Victoria Pieper, who led the senior class with a grade point average of 4.61 and salutatorian Leona Hernandez with a GPA of 4.60.
Out of 352 ranking seniors for graduation, 118 were recognized as honor graduates.
Brenham High School’s graduation ceremony was broadcast live on AM-1280 KWHI, FM 101.7 and The ceremony can be seen on the KWHI Facebook page.
What’s your Reaction?
Congratulations???Pay the haters no attention keep going ?
Congratulations for all your hard work! As to the Mexican flag being waved let’s all remember Texas once belonged to Mexico ??
All 3 of these comments below are what’s wrong with Brenham, that young man had EVERY right to be proud of his heritage. Who knows, maybe he was the first in his family to graduate or something along those lines. The USA flags flies over the stadium and I’m 100% sure the anthem was also played. So it’s not like it was disrespectful. Some of yall need to rid that hatred out of your hearts and let that kid be proud of who he is. Because I’m sure he’d wave his flag again. And if it was a USA flag none of these comments would be here. SMH
We are home. Some people didn’t pay attention in history. Why don’t you all go home?
“They tries to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds ?” #stolenland
Bunch of racists in these comments. I do not see the point of bringing the Mexican flag or ANY flag for that matter at a graduation, but it isn’t harming anyone. It’s a graduation ceremony, who cares about a flag, as long as it’s not the confederate flag. It’s better than a streaker am I right? Everyone should be proud of where they are from, but it’s the people in these comments that make me not so proud of where I am from. Grow up and leave the man alone.
Maybe next year each senior should bring a flag from the country of their ancestors!! We’d see lots of flags from Germany, Poland, Czechoslavakia, Africa, Latin America…..Freedom of expression means you are free to wave your flag of Mexico but then the rest of us are free to wave our flags too. Sad that we can’t all embrace the country that we are living in though!!
I’d like to address that y’all say no bullying but sure did just allow it on this post about a boy being very happy of his Heritage. Let me address the above comments myself. He wasn’t bragging or being hateful he is most likely from Mexico and bringing his flag onto the field was most likely a way of celebrating the fact that he is from their but made it here and has made his family proud by graduating and getting to further his education. Do better brenham cause y’all starting to look a little racist and judge mental and it’s not a good look for y’all!
My son was in the graduation ceremony Saturday & it was very annoying to see this kid with the Mexican flag waving it in front of the whole student body when pictures were taken. I really wish BISD would have stopped this but I guess they didn’t want to offend anyone. We are not in Mexico. This is the USA!!
As Americans, we should all be proud that other cultures and nationalities are represented. That is part of what makes America unique. Everyone here can receive a quality education regardless of their background. Please understand that just because this isn’t YOUR preference, it is someone else’s heritage and they should be allowed to celebrate it amongst their own graduating class. Try, for once, to understand his point of view instead of focusing on your own negative outlook.
The fact that a student that has went to school for 12 years just like any other student will get bashed and judged because of where he is from and how he chooses to express that . Yes this is the USA but last time I checked the invited states is built upon different races being mixed ! Stop living in the past and grow withe the future
I LOVED THE FLAG!! Being proud of who you are is everything! My first thought when he came out “I love it” because in my eyes it was someone who was proud of who he was, proud of completing a task that may not have been allowed in his country, could have been the first in his family, but he made it. It’s sad we cannot celebrate the positives.
It’s the racism for me (:
Funny thing, I didn’t see any German, Czech, or Polish flags in the crowd….pretty sure even Italy should have been represented.
It’s Funny me seeing these comments on about to heritage of another person displaying proudly on what theY accomplish in the short life of high school… I’m a grade of the proud class of 2008 yea it was tough beening a middle class man in a big world when people say when u graduate the world is yours.. The ups and downs that they probably had in school and no telling if they got made of in school… But say those mean things about someone is hard…. But one thing I do have to say is….. When you’re traveling in an airplane from one place to another from one country to another just know that the manufacturing of the safety slides the oxygen mask anything safety that’s it regulated in an airplane goes straight from Mexico and if y’all don’t believe me I work for hrd aero systems everything is manufacturing Mexico so all your safety features in the airplane comes from Mexico so next time you want to bash on somebody’s heritage relies on the Mexicans
How funny…..who do you thinks brings y’all water and food when your “america” runs out. Where do you think most of your imports come from. Not to mention for those who take care of y’all’s elderly when y’all want to dump them in nursing homes. Remember that when your loved one is dying and your not their to hold their hand in their final moments. Why don’t you take your butt back to europe because needs flash….Texas was part of Mexico.
That’s what this county doesn’t understand! It’s ran by the political hypercritical humans that do the same as us all; were human, no one is perfect! Let someone who’s been on both sides of the playing field, run this community! This country is made of Americans; people who came here to better ourselves! We don’t want all that to follow. Stand up for what you believe in! What makes you happy is such an amazing feeling! How about you interview them and ask about theirs feelings, instead of bashing on them! We have reasoning to support our beloved ones and where we came from. America is made of many cultures, remember that! Be happy to see someone succeed and celebrate! #2010StateChamps! MakeBrenhamBetterStopWithTheHate
Imagine being mad at a KID celebrating his heritage. The racism in this little town is so very sad.
What’s wrong with waving a flag and showing people that you are proud of whatever country you come from? We do it all the time with the American flag. How is this any different ?
Those who are commenting about how the Mexican flag waving is “absurd” and “sad” are stepping out of line, frankly. I know that the overwhelming majority of us seniors present were all for it, and that’s what matters. As a foreigner (from Europe), I was glad to see that people from elsewhere are also finding success here, and that they’re proud of where they’re from. That day was about us, every one of us. From the valedictorian and the salutatorian down to those that barely passed, from the Brenham natives to the newcomers that made it to this town- and even country- just in the past couple years. That young man is no different, and he deserved a chance at proclaiming what he’s proud to be a part of. If the Mexican flag bothered you so much, then we shouldn’t have prayed at the start of the ceremony. But we did. And we didn’t raise a fuss about it because we accept the local culture, and we’d figure you would accept the culture of others. Other people deserve to be proud of where they’re from, as well as where they are now.
These bullies have nothing better than to verbally attack and demean young people who have worked so hard to graduate I applaud those young students I know firsthand how hard it is for the Mexican culture to make it through school. I have nieces and nephews who are Mexican and I’m white. Why such hate??! These haters are the ones who must have been bullied in school
Too many negative Karen’s here!! I’ve never in my life seen and read so much hate towards others who simply want to show their pride of where they come from!! We should be happy that In this county we have people of all race and culture able to safely share their ethnicity other countries don’t have that luxury that’s why America is the best!! Long live Mexico! I thank Mexicans all the time they are the hardest working group of people!! Husband and I could not do their jobs!!
Your absurd this is land of the free that’s why they come here!! I think it’s beautiful that they are proud of their heritage and culture!! Better than sharing Hate and hostility towards others!
As a 2021 graduate I see NO issue. Y’all don’t know what was happening on the field. We were cheering him on. It’s sad to see the ADULTS trying to tear apart a class that is so close with one another because of how THEY feel about a flag.
I hope
That good can forgive you poor souls have never
Felt love from your parents
To all the racist white folks complaining about the Mexican flag y’all need a wake up call because this is American the land of the free and proud! So it’s his right and freedom to do as he pleases to do! So if a white kid had a Trump flag y’all wouldn’t be complaining! Right? I wish y’all white folks would worry about yourself and all your problems being a racist! Let me ask y’all white folks a question or two, who built your house? Who’s put the concrete on your driveway? Who cuts your lawn weekly? Where do you love to eat? Who do you get for cheap labor on home projects or help? Surely not all the white folks because they don’t have those skills or work for what y’all wanna pay them! So I can assure y’all that times are changing and I’d suggest y’all change your mindset too!!
Very sad that people have an issue with whatever flag a Mexican-American decides to bring to represent them during THEIR graduation, THEIR accomplishment. I am very disappointed yet not surprised at all the disgusting hate filled comments. What ever happened to “One Brenham, better together” huh? It is very evident that our community that is apparently so patriotic has an issue with a child embracing his heritage in AMERICA “land of the FREE.” Did they not have the color guard holding the American flag before the graduation? I personally do not see an issue if your beautiful American flag was still waving in the background. In other news, to the kid being targeted in this picture for the flag, CONGRATULATIONS on your accomplishment you make your family and other fellow Mexican/Mexican Americans proud.
Not everyone is only American, people are proud of their roots. Their parents coulda sacrificed a lot for their kids to get this education.
PRACTICE what you preach.
This is the most racist stuff I’ve ever read
Did you serve this country because I did and I’m a MEXICAN AMERICAN and proud of who I am and my roots! I also graduated from this Hillbilly Hick High School as well and if you think that’s an education you’re a joke just like the rest of the town! Also I’m a GAY MEXICAN AMERICAN who just so happens to be a VETERAN. I give up part of my life so he could wave whatever flag at graduation! It’s the fact that you hide behind your keyboards and computer screens because in reality you wouldn’t go up to him nor his family and tell them to leave this country. Here’s a little educational lesson for you because you too probably graduated from Brenham High School, The Spanish were among the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is now the United States. By 1650, however, England had established a dominant presence on the Atlantic coast. So if you want to get down to the beans and rice it’s a battle you will loose “Remember the Alamo” and don’t forget this is the LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!
Dear USA lady yes we’re in the USA and ur probably one of the people that wear the cute Mexican dresses or eat at one of the Mexican restaurants . Stop with the hate and racisms if the kid is proud of his heritage let him be !!! Move on people and quit hating . Have a bless day .
Wow, the fact that you even took time out of your day to post this is ridiculous. I see both sides, but I do not see any thing wrong with him being proud and feeling accomplished for his roots and culture. Maybe he is a first time graduate in his family or maybe his parents endured trauma and suffering to give him a better life and education. Who are YOU TO JUDGE? Who ever put these comments probably has Mexicans working for them or can’t stay out of the Mexican restaurants. How dare you speak on other people’s behalf, further more take it up with the Banner Press. Like seriously you KARENS cannot control everything. It was his night not yours, so GET OVER IT! We are here and here to stay DEAL WITH IT! He doesn’t have to go back to MEXICO BECAUSE YOU SAY SO, he has that right and that CHOICE. I love the picture. I am BROWN AND PROUD AND CAN’t NOBODY TAKE THAT FROM ME! I bet the ones posting this bull are the main ones sitting in the front pew of their church calling themselves CHRISTIANS! #judgementdayisNEAR
To all the people that are butthurt about the Mexican flag getting waved around that kid is just proud of his heritage us as Hispanics we get shown the American flag on the daily but one kid does it all day and all the butthurt white racist people get all sentimental your kid could have also took his American flag onto the field to show that he is proud of his heritage!!!
He literally did NOTHING that was harmful. Not one thing had reason to cause such demeaning comments. What inspires your distasteful opinions? There was a whole 1 and a half hour ceremony, but that’s what you want to highlight and complain about? Moreover, if he wanted to symbolize his culture, he should be able to do that. Anyone should. No one else did, because that was their choice. You should allow him to commemorate this moment to his culture, peacefully.
We wave our MEXICAN flag because we’re proud to be Mexican. We’re making our hardworking parents proud as well as many others. It’s very heartbreaking to see that there is still many people saying that we should go back to our country when this country was never theirs to begin with…
The only problem I see is these comments.
To all the comments above hating on the Mexico flag, no one told the Americans they couldn’t wave a US flag. This town is all about politics and are very racist. Let the new generation express themselves freely, both students that had flags were practicing their first amendment, if you don’t know what that is are you even American? I guarantee you that your ancestors aren’t all American, I’m sure most of you have German ancestors, which by the way is ANOTHER COUNTRY!!! But you are still proud of that heritage. By the way Texas was once a part of Mexico……
Why all these white people upset over a flag?? Like anyone enjoyed seeing brenham tx littered with those trash Trump flags everywhere these past years.
As someone who graduated Saturday night it was an amazing moment and a night I’ll never forget. So imagine how I feel when I go look at kwhi to see what they said about graduation and I get through this great article and get to the comments to see the comments that have nothing to do with graduation and are frankly disrespectful and sad to see to. To those that commented this I hope u achieved what u wanted which as absolutely nothing
This is an outrage that all you see is a mexican flag! This young man is proud an grateful that he was able to get a education an show his family that most likely came from mexico that he did it!! Just because their is no American flag up here means he is not patriotic. Anyone else could of brought one up here but they chose not to. An you wonder why people call you Racist around here.
Very sad that everyone sees a mexican flag and not a American flag during this celebration, the young man would not have gotten this great education in mexico. But we see this nevertheless. Sad.
Hello Mary I’m sorry proud of these young ladies and men they are your future let’s not live in the crazy world that you are stuck in those are the old day wake up this is 2021 get to know GOD
you’re saying this meanwhile america has the worse system of education ?? XDDDD
Very sad that your first thought was apparently to FORGET we are the MELTING POT, a country that’s supposed to be unlike others in our untiy, acceptance, and blend of different cultures and people… Very sad that you took the time to complain about something so trivial instead of congratulating us for graduating. :/
to love where you came from is different from hating where you are. they’re embracing who they are and where they are from, just like any american would do.
Agreed. It was obnoxious and disgraceful. That has no place at a Brenham graduation. Why leave Mexico if you are that proud of it? Mexico is a corrupt cesspool. That’s why everyone wants to leave there. Don’t turn Texas into the cesspool that you left.
Leave the boy alone he wanted to do it for his parents wouldn’t you do it for them as well he proud where there from and for them to give him this opportunity
Mary what makes you think he’s from Mexico?? Are you from Mexico since your name is Mary ? Quit being petty !!! Congratulations to all the Grads ??♥️?♥️
So you’re saying that he’s not worthy of representing his roots or where he’s from ? You don’t know what he or his family had to go through to be able to get this education. Mind your business ! People like you and everyone else commenting under here are whats wrong with the world.
Attacking a child who probably hasn’t turned 18? That young man is proud of who he is and where he comes from. That someone is proud of their heritage and has did something many others have not. It’s a shame people in this town still think like this. Accept people being proud of who they are and the different cultures coming into this town.
There’s NOTHING sad about students wanting to be proud of where they came from. They did nothing wrong, they didn’t hurt you personally. This is America yes it’s a big mixing pot of different cultures! The world is so divided because people want to complain and hate on things that are beautiful and different! Grow up, get out of the mindsets of America only because guess what from what I remember learning in school is that texas belonged to Mexico once!! Y’all are the ones who cry wolf about Mexicans yet are the exact ones who hire them to clean your homes, cut your yards, and eat the food from restaurants in which they cook! If it wasn’t for Mexicans you wouldn’t have a home to live in because guess who builds those houses!!! ?? God bless your hearts you need compassion towards others
Hello Mary,
I respectfully disagree, I am almost one hundred percent positive that the American flag was presented by the ROTC before the ceremony began. You are just offended that the picture was included in the article. Sure the education system here is more advanced but this young man is embracing the country that him and his family come from. Just because he was waving a Mexican flag around does not mean he isn’t appreciative of what this country has done for him.
Your comment is what’s truly sad, Mary. Your unabashed racism is what’s sad. Perhaps try NOT being a downer when we graduates are celebrating our hard work and DON’T CARE about one of our peers waving a flag in acknowledgement to his roots.
That is so unchristian like. Theirs nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. Every child there had the opportunity to be proud of where their from, yet it was their choice not too and that’s okay. It’s the children’s graduation. And these children that has graduated has grown with one another not seeing race, but seeing their friends graduate and just being happy to graduate. These kids are more grown up and respectful and less racist than these adults. I’m an American and my husband is Mexican. And I’m proud of all my Mexican family.
Proud Camacho wife
You might be right he wouldn’t have unless he had a lot of money to afford the private schools and maybe would not be offered the same opportunities but that doesn’t mean he cannot be proud of his heritage. His family sacrificed so much to get away from the violence that to everyone’s surprise is not as easily handled and fixed like many close minded Americans think. They had to “run away” so that their children would not be exposed to that. It is so sad that in an era where our country’s diversity is increasing, celebrating that diversity is frowned upon. I’m from Brenham and yes I love the small town feel and the closeness of everyone of the town but just like we have a whole festival to honor the German heritage of the town we should be open and able to show our pride in our heritage at a small graduation. I am Honduran American have two degrees and I proudly represented my heritage and they had no issues. It’s time to be more open minded.
Maybe, don’t be racist and let the graduates celebrate their accomplishments.
Talk about “free country “
It’s sad that you think seeing a Mexican flag on the field is so bad… may I remind you he and his family have defeated the odds of walking down the field and graduating! Many born Americans with parents brown in the states do not do so! Yes he’s proud and he deserves every right to show it! We are a melting pot stop being so offended with seeing the culture that made this country!
Maybe not allow full-size flags to be carried and swung around wildly during the ceremony and while hogging up the class pictures. Maybe people didn’t want that in their pictures.
Maybe not allow ….
Wouldn’t that be considered good ole boy Uncle Sam intruding into the democratic freedom of citizens of the USA. For a person to express pride in their native language or culture is not a denial of American ideals. The last time I checked it was not illegal for people to take pride in their native land. Except for the Natives that were not murdered by Europeans (white fold) ALL OF US ARE DESCENDANTS OF IMMIGRANTS. Perhaps, there are some dinosaurs still living who think that America is synonymous with “white” culture or a FALSE sense of “white privilege or superiority”. Get over yourself! I hope you do not enjoy Mexican (ethnic) food or use any of the imported goods from these “other” nations. Are you offended? Did you read this message or did you get the message! Oh well, dinosaurs do eventually die!
Actually many people were cheering for the ones with the flag so who really had a problem with it. Brenham needs some culture for once.
This isn’t even your class how about you worry about your own self instead of bashing a kid for having fun. He made graduation 100 times better by embracing his culture and we all felt good when we saw that flag even if some of us weren’t Mexican take your bitter attitude somewhere else you’re too old to be attacking a kid for bringing a flag to his OWN GRADUATION. – a 2021 class graduate
Maybe not exaggerate and whine over OUR graduation when we (the graduating class ourselves) had no problem with it- if anything, we were laughing in good fun. Just say anything Mexican draws out the racism in you.
Well too bad they’re gonna deal with it, and if they don’t like it then they can photoshop it out. It’s not that hard to think
“hogging” “swung wildly” ? I see you say your own graduation happened in the 80s, so maybe consider leaving us 2021 graduates be instead of being a drama queen.
“Many people didn’t want that in their pictures.” And many people were hoping for a pleasant “congrats! good work, guys!” instead of increasingly-irrelevent older peoples’ blatant racism.
That shows how our children that are graduating are less racist and more grown up than these adults that are commenting. This is so unchristian like. God made us all no matter the color we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. All the children in this picture American, Mexican etc are smiling and happy and supportive of all their Hispanic friends. God bless us all.
Maybe, they’re the first generation to accomplish something you take for granted. So let them be and don’t be racist. ??♀️
The excessive waving of the Mexico flag at the closing of the ceremony in Brenham, Texas, United States …..was totally absurd.
You’re absurd for having that exact mindset
would you say the same about an american flag?
maybe u should let them have their moment? don’t get in their business lol. and your comment was totally absurd.
Elections have consequences !!
Frankly you are absurd what’s wrong with someone being proud of their heritage? Did that person hurt you physically? No! I wasn’t offended by it they weren’t hurting or pushing any agenda. Smh there are REAL issues in the world that need more attention than a mere flag
“We Are United States”
Yes, and the United States was founded on freedom and continues to uphold the belief and core value of accepting diversity, if not celebrating it. You seem to have forgotten that and the definition of United in your haste to spill some internalized racism.
perhaps the person taking the picture could have cut that out. we live in the usa NOT mexico. shame on BISD for allowing this. Oh wait BISD just sweeps everything under the rug, so maybe the admins didn’t “see it”