6 events found.
New Year’s Eve Dance at Harmonie Hall
Harmonie Hall Shelby 509 FM 389 West, Shelby, TX, United States
City of LaGrange hosting a Blood Drive
Historic Casino Hall (La Grange) 254 N Jefferson St., La Grange, TX, United StatesAmerican Legion Quade-Werchan Post #338 and Ladies Auxiliary Meeting
American Legion Hall Round Top 1503 N. State Hwy. 237, Round Top, TX, United StatesThe monthly meeting for American Legion Quade-Werchan Post #338 and Ladies Auxiliary will be held on Thursday, January 6, 2022, beginning at 7:30 PM. During the January meeting the post will review updated financial information and discuss the assignment to the newly formed American Legion 19th District of Texas.
Brenham Next Benefit Concert
Silver Wings Ballroom 4100 Highway 105 , Brenham, TX, United States
VFW Post 7104 hosting a Sirloin Steak & Pork Sausage Supper
James F. Dillion VFW Post 7104 1200 East Tom Green, Brenham, TX, United StatesJames F. Dillon VFW Post 7104, will be having a sirloin steak and pork sausage supper on Friday, January 7, with serving starting at 7:00, call 979-203-5586 or 979-277-5061 to make reservations by 3 o’clock on the date of the meal, you may also call Post 7104 at 979-830-8776 and leave a message