Washington Co. Ladies Lions Club Meeting

Cannery Kitchen 314 East Alamo, Brenham, TX, United States

The Washington County Ladies Lions Club will meet Monday July 8 at noon at the Cannery Kitchen.  Members are encouraged to bring used eyeglasses, plastic lids, magazines and personal hygiene items.  The public is invited to attend, RSVP is not required, lunch is available.

Republican Club of Washington Co. Meeting

Cannery Kitchen 314 East Alamo, Brenham, TX, United States

REPUBLICAN CLUB OF WASHINGTON COUNTY TO MEETING - Tuesday, July 9 – Cannery Kitchen Speaker: Susan Myers – Blinn College Foundation, Holocaust Museum Historian Subject:  The Holocaust Topics:  A time to remember the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution. History of the Holocaust within the …

Brush & Yard Waste Disposal Offer For City Residents (Brenham)

BVR Collection & Transfer Station 2009 Old Chappell Hill Rd, Brenham, TX, United States

The City of Brenham is pleased to offer its residents a convenient way to dispose of brush and yard waste. From Wednesday, July 10th to Wednesday, July 17th, each City resident will receive 500 lbs. of brush credit when brought to the BVR Collection Station (located at 2009 Old Chappell Hill Rd). However, if the …


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