Republican Club of Washington County Meeting

Cannery Kitchen 314 East Alamo, Brenham, TX, United States

The Republican Club of Washington County will meet Tuesday, February 8, 5:30 PM at the Cannery Kitchen,  speakers will be the candidates for State Representative in District 12, that includes the …

NCRM Library Celebrates 120th Birthday

Brenham Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library 100 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Pky, Brenham, TX, United States

February 8th, is the date to celebrate the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial (NCRM) Library's 120th Birthday,  Hosted by The Fortnightly Club and the Library, the day commemorates the date of …

Vaccine Booster Drive-Thru at Washington County Expo

The Department of State Health Service (DSHS) Public Health Region 7 will be sponsoring a one-day drive-thru COVID-19 booster clinic on Wednesday, February 9, at the Washington County Expo.  The …

Mill Creek Watershed Partnership to Meet

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service (Austin County) 800 East Wendt, Bellville, TX, United States

The Mill Creek Watershed Partnership will be hosting a Partnership Meeting on Thursday, February 10, from 6-7 p.m. The meeting will take place at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office …


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