Washington County employees will open up the new year with an increase to their salaries.

Commissioners at their meeting this (Monday) morning approved a minimum three percent pay increase for all employees, effective January 1st.  This pay raise does not extend to elected officials.

Washington County Judge John Durrenberger said the county’s goal is to correct compensation disparities between county employees and employees with similar jobs in surrounding counties and municipalities.

Back in July, commissioners hired Public Sector Personnel Consultants, Inc. to perform a compensation comparison study in Washington County and surrounding areas. The study found that some Washington County employee salaries are equal to or slightly above the peer group, but some employee salaries are less than similar positions in the peer group.

If the three percent pay raise does not bring a county employee’s salary up to the target level, an additional percentage will be given until that employee’s salary is up to the recommended target salary of the peer group.

The county is using a three to four year plan to bring all employee salaries to the recommended range of the peer group.

Commissioner Don Koester said the pay raise is “a great step forward for our employees”. Commissioner Candice Bullock said it will take a few budget cycles to get the county where it needs to be regarding salaries, with Commissioner Joy Fuchs adding this is “just the beginning”.

Bullock and Fuchs said some of the main focuses of the salary increase process are allowing the county to be more competitive with other positions within the community and surrounding communities, as well as employee retention.

Commissioner Kirk Hanath said this process is a matter of striking a balance between what the county wants and what it can afford. He said he looks forward to working further through this plan, which Durrenberger said was “very fair to employees” and “fiscally responsible to the taxpayer”.

Also in court today, commissioners:

  • Authorized a change order for a secondary, public access drive for the new Road and Bridge facility on Highway 36 North.  County Engineer said the secondary access drive will be beneficial for visitors to the Road and Bridge facility, and will limit the chances of constituents colliding with county vehicles when entering the facility.
  • Approved supplemental items for the Road and Bridge facility.  The items include an asphalt tank, fuel tank, Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and security items, and furniture.
  • Tabled a budget amendment to fund Washington County Sheriff’s Office certification pay for Fiscal Year 2020.
  • Granted authorization to the county treasurer, county auditor and county judge to make budget amendments and line item transfers, if necessary, to close the 2019 Fiscal Year.
What’s your Reaction?


  1. Why do the county got to hire somebody to see about paying employees. And Looks like the employees need to work harder now since they going to get a raise. Instead of driving into town slow and waiting outside the building talking waiting for the Time to quit. Looks like that quit about 45 min before they get off Almost a hour of pay for doing nothing

  2. Thank you County Commissioners. I enjoy my job at the county. The 7 percent retirement benefit is also much better than my previous job at the city of Brenham that was only at 5 percent.

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