Washington County Commissioners proclaimed July 7th as Volunteer Firefighters Day at their meeting Tuesday. Pictured in front (from left) are Leadership Washington County Class of 2021 member Gary Durrenberger, Prairie Hill Volunteer Fire Department Deputy Chief Doug Zwiener, County Judge John Durrenberger, former Brenham Fire Chief Robert Weiss and Leadership Washington County Class of 2021 member Dr. Tylor Chaplin.

The volunteer firefighters of Washington County were recognized and honored during today’s (Tuesday) Washington County Commissioners meeting.

Commissioners proclaimed tomorrow (Wednesday), July 7th as “Volunteer Firefighters Day.”  The proclamation comes as part of a project from the Washington County Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Washington County Class of 2021 to celebrate county volunteers’ contributions and sacrifices.

A public ceremony in honor of volunteer firefighters will take place tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the Brenham Fire Museum, where an affixed plaque and custom designed bench will be unveiled.  A reception will follow the dedication.

Commissioner Joy Fuchs said volunteer firefighters have always had a special place in her heart, and thanked the class for honoring them.  Commissioner Don Koester said he is appreciative of volunteer firefighters and the work they do.

Officials and employees in the offices of the county auditor and treasurer were recognized Tuesday after the county received a certificate of achievement from the Government Finance Officers Association for the county's comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.

Commissioner Kirk Hanath said volunteer firefighters give of themselves without payment and sometimes without gratitude, doing so “solely on their love of their community and their fellow man.”  He said the county and the community need to support them in all ways possible.

Also recognized at today’s meeting were members of the offices of the county auditor and treasurer.  The county has been awarded a certificate of achievement from the Government Finance Officers Association for excellence in financial reporting pertaining to its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.  County Auditor Sharon Stolz said this is the ninth year in a row that the county has received this award.

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