The Brenham City Council approved the appointment of two municipal court judges and two City Prosecutors during their meeting today (Thursday).
The council approved the appointment of Bill Kendall as Presiding Judge and Robert Wright as Associate Judge, each for a two year term to expire on December 31, 2018. The council also appointed Cary Bovey and Luke Cochran, both with the Law Office of Cary L. Bovey, PLLC, as City Prosecutors to be effective on January 1, 2017.
The council also increased the annual salary of the Presiding Judge from $21,000 to $22,500, the annual salary of the Associate Judge from $18,800 to $20,000, and the salary for the City Prosecutor to be as outlined in the current contract between the City of Brenham and the Law Office of Cary L. Bovey, PLLC.
The Brenham City Council also approved the last change order for the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library Renovation. The change order was an additional $10,756 which included seven project modification proposals. Those additional projects include site prep for sidewalks, a book return and staff lockers, labor and equipment for bracket supports and door security, and adjusting the door to meet ADA requirements. The $3.2 million library renovation project was funded with a 50 / 50 split of public funds and private donations.
In other business, the city council approved a new fee schedule for the City of Brenham’s Parks and Recreation Department. While many of the Parks and Recreation amenities and programs are offered to the public at no cost, there are fees for services such as: facility rentals, admission to the Blue Bell Aquatic Center (BBAC), swim lessons and classes and other recreational programming. Only two changes were made to the fee schedule, both concerning Blue Bell Aquatic Center. A monthly pass for the water aerobics class will now be available for $65. A new “add-on” option will also be available to add members to the family pass. A family pass currently covers six people, and now an additional person can be added for $18 per month.
The council also approved a lease agreement for the management and operation of the Barnhill Center. The lease will be between the City of Brenham and Simon Theater Master Tenant, LLC which is a holding of Brenham Main Street Historic Preservation, Inc. - the owner and current operator of the Barnhill Center at the Historic Simon Theatre.
The city council went on to approve a number of appointments and reappointments for various city advisory boards including:
Airport Advisory: The three incumbents who are eligible for reappointment expressed a willingness to stay on the board. Those individuals are Michele Bright, Jerry LeGard, and Pat Elliott.
Board of Adjustment: Two incumbents, Jon Hodde and Walt Schoenvogel, were reappointed. One vacancy still remains open for the position vacated by Mike Haywood. Two incumbent alternates, Richard Heiges and Jarvis Van Dyke, were reappointed.
Buildings Standards Commission: Incumbents Walt Edmonds and Stoney Lancina were reappointed to the board. One vacancy remains for the position vacated by Johnny Andrade.
Brenham Community Development Corporation: Three incumbents, Jason Kiemsteadt, Bill Betts, and John Hasskarl, were reappointed to the board.
Brenham Housing Authority: Incumbents Richard Flammer, Gerald Calvert, Cory Flencher, and Lillian Pollard were reappointed to the board. The city council approved the expansion of the board from seven to nine commissioners in November. Two citizens submitted applications to serve on the board- Tieman Dipple III and Kenneth Miller.
Hotel Occupancy Tax Board: Incumbent Al Patel was reappointed to the board. Four vacancies remain for the board.
Library Advisory Board: Renee Mueller and Alana Winklemann were reappointed to the board. Marshia Foster was appointed to replace Deborah Ottsen. Christ Van Dyke was also reappointed.
Main Street Board: Incumbents Margie Young, Jon Hill, and Mark Schneider were reappointed.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Incumbents Delbert Boeker and Pam Hohlt were reappointed. Ginger Bosse was approved to appointment to the board.
Planning and Zoning Commission: Four incumbents were reappointed- Walt Schoenvogel, Leroy Jefferson, Calvin Kossie, and Lynette Sheffield.