Austin County has confirmed its first case of COVID-19.

County Judge Tim Lapham announced this (Tuesday) afternoon that the county had been advised by authorities of a confirmed case in a woman living in Sealy.  Lapham said the family is self-quarantining and complying with proper guidelines, and that any potential exposure is being investigated.

The Sealy News reported that the woman in a Facebook post said her spouse and children have no signs or symptoms, and plans to stay quarantined and continue following doctors and rules from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) until her family is told otherwise.  She said in the post that the health department out of Huntsville has been in contact with her, and is gathering information.

Lapham urged the community to continue following proper hygiene and social distancing procedures, call their doctor if they are experiencing any symptoms, limit their exposure, and stay home as much as possible.

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  1. MUST READ: Doctors are reporting they now understand the behavior of the COVID 19 virus due to autopsies that they have carried out. This virus is characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways and lungs. So they have discovered that in order to apply a medicine you have to open and unblock these airways so that the treatment can be used to take effect however all of this takes a number of days. Their recommendations for what you can do to safeguard yourself are … 1) Drink lots of hot liquids – coffees, soups, teas, warm water. In addition take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes bc this keeps your mouth moist and washes any of the virus that’s entered your mouth into your stomach where your gastric juices will neutralize it before it can get to the lungs. 2) Gargle with an antiseptic and warm water like vinegar or salt or lemon every day if possible 3) The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes. And detergent or soap kills it but you must take bath or shower when you get in from the street. Avoid sitting down in your home and go straight to the shower. If you cannot wash your clothes daily, hang them in sunlight which also helps to neutralize the virus 4) Wash metallic surfaces very carefully bc the virus can stay viable on these for up to 9 days. Take note and be vigilant about touching hand rails, door knobs, etc. and keep these clean in home home 5) Don’t smoke 6) Wash your hands every 20 minutes with any soap that foams and do this for 20 seconds 7) Eat fruits and vegetables. Try to elevate your zinc levelS 8)Animals do not spread the virus to people. Its a person to person transmission. 9)Try to avoid getting the common flu as this already weakens your system and try to avoid eating and drinking any cold things. 10) If you feel any discomfort in your throat or a sore throat coming on, attack it immediately using the above methods. The virus enters the system through the throat but will sit in the throat for 3-4 days before it passes into your lungs. In addition … Experts suggest doing this simple verification every morning: Breathe in deeply and hold your breath for 10 seconds. If this can be done without coughing, without difficulty, this shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, indicating the absence of infection. It is recommended to do this control every morning to help detect infection. Stay safe & healthy friends!!

    1. This is what the Chinese doctor who died studying the virus recommended But nobody cared To mention it

  2. According to what was published regarding her Facebook post, it sounds like this woman did everything right. She reported her symptoms to her PCP that tested her for the virus and then quarantined herself and her family. I do feel bad if she is feeling guilty for possibly spreading the virus to others, but people have been warned and some have chosen to continue living as if this isn’t happening and won’t affect them. It gets closer and closer everyday. And now it is literally in our own backyard. Please listen to government officials and stay home if you have no reason to be out or are not an essential employee. If you need anymore convincing about how bad this could possibly get, I encourage you to watch some videos coming out of Italy. It is truly heartbreaking to see what is happening in that country because they did not get a warning or a mandate from their government before it was too late.

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