Mariachi’s Mexican Restaurant in Brenham is temporarily closing its doors, after a member of its staff tested positive for COVID-19.

Mariachi’s Owner Carlos Garcia said the restaurant was notified today (Thursday) that a female staff member tested positive for the coronavirus.  The employee has been self-quarantining, and has not worked in the restaurant since last Saturday.

Garcia said, as a result, the restaurant has immediately suspended all delivery and takeout services indefinitely.  He said it will use this time to further its current cleaning and sanitation procedures.



Garcia said he is not giving a timeline for the reopening of the restaurant at this time, saying it will be whenever staff feel they can safely get back to performing normal operations.  He thanked the community for its support thus far, and asked for its continued support during this time.

Based on current information available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with food.

It is possible that a person could contract the virus by touching a packaging container that has the virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or eyes, but the CDC does not believe this to be the main way the virus spreads.  In general, according to the CDC, there is likely “very low risk of spread from food products or packaging”.

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One Comment

  1. KWHI could you publish a current list of restaurants that are providing delivery and/or pick up?
    The list that came out several weeks ago is no longer accurate. I have called several of them and no answer. Thanks !

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