Beginning Monday, Brannon Industrial Group will be providing City of Brenham residents with new waste and recycling carts.

While collection cart deliveries start Monday, collections will not begin until May 4.  Local residents are asked to continue using bag service until May 1.

Residents will receive two carts: one for once-per-week curbside garbage pickup and one for bi-weekly curbside recycling pickup.

A flyer will be distributed with details about the garbage collection days and the recycling collection days.

The Brenham City Council approved a controversial contract back in March with Brannon to outsource the city’s municipal waste services.

What’s your Reaction?


    1. I wonder if it is like some neighboring cities that it needs to be put up by the end of the day, but not immediately after pick up. It would be unrealistic with work schedules.

  1. Thank you KWHI for allowing citizens to post comments or concerns–whether they are positive/negative, wise/unwise. Even the self-appointed censors that take it upon themselves to try to intimidate and bully citizens into keeping silent can have their say.

  2. I am welcoming the recycle bin! Thank you finally we do not have to take ourselves – this earth after this corona virus needs cleans up – all can play a part – please for the better of our generations to come

    1. You can contact the city sanitation department and ‘opt out’ of the recycle option. There is a form you can fill out.

  3. I’m taking my extra cart to my barn in the country as a rodent proof container for horse feed.

  4. Y’all are all a bunch of whiney people. Washington county , or city of Brenham residents can never accept change. Times change. So does everything else. And I agree, who doesn’t but trash bags? The cost of trash pickup which is a little more than before, includes your recycle pickup, which before you would have had to take it to the recycle place yourself. My gosh people, there are a lot of bigger things to worry about besides trash pickup, and oh but that’s how it’s always been done. There are towns a lot smaller than us that use this type service. Give it a chance. Quit complaining. Y’all whine about the smallest issues. If you don’t like it, find a town that still does it the old way, and move. I am sure most towns and cities are going to this type service. I hear what if my trash can stinks- well wash it out. I have to buy trash bags now- did you actually use those big bags in your house and not have a regular size trash can? Come on people stop all the non-sense complaining already.

    1. Please don’t refer to the folks as “whinny”. Too many just do not have room for 2 very large receptacles. I take great pride in my hometown, my home & surrounding. Many of us very happy living here so please don’t suggest we move on & the same for others….if we didn’t take a interest in City & County happenings this town would not be where it is today. Please don’t insult these very same folks that have made this city great for all of us.Volunteer your time & you’ll soon find out how many great people are born here & those that have moved here.Take the time to find out we are not ” sour grapes”.

    2. Can anyone else see the irony here? Someone came here complaining about people complaining and wanting them to stop complaining?

      1. I see the irony. Y’all whine too much. As far as volunteer, I served your city volunteering for 25 years as a fireman. The city needs to change and grow. Y’all make it hard on the ones that have to make the changes-and decisions to help this city keep up. This city is so far behind on many things. Let it change and let it grow. If you don’t like it, run for office and try to keep the city behind. It’s only hurting yourself and everybody else that lives here for that matter

        1. While I thank you for your service as a fireman, I could not disagree with you more on this subject. Telling someone they whine to much or that they should move is not right, people are entitled have an opinion and to express it.

          Secondly, big ugly plastic bins that I am being forced to have on my property in order to get my trash removed, a service that I will now have to pay more money for, but will be available half the time it currently is has nothing to do with growth or progress, it is simply a different method, one many of us completely disagree with as evidenced by the many comments on this forum, You can argue that we are behind, but many of us choose to live because of the uniqueness of Brenham and this area, and while we value some growth, not all growth is good or needed. Bigger numbers by themselves is not always a positive.

          I feel the City Manager, Mayor, and City Council completely ignored the will of the people that was clearly expressed here and many other places. I cannot wait for the opportunity to vote again anyone with the courage to run against them.

          1. What people are not realizing is that if the City would keep the sanitation services – this change would still me made. Bag service is going away regardless. However, if the City keeps it and has to pay for all new trucks, equipment, carts, etc. it is a major expenditure. Who do you think will pay for that? The Taxpayers will pay for it. Taxes would go up and you all would complain about that. Change happens. Before complaining about something, why not give it a chance. If it doesn’t work and there are issues, then complain. I am tired of hearing about being born here versus moved here. If you love the community it doesn’t matter when you got here – you take pride in your community. Change will happen whether we want it or not. I think that the City and County officials make the best decisions that they can. There is always information behind the scenes that us common folks do not see.

            Just for once, can’t we all get along and live in peace. Give the change a chance. I for one and glad to have the curbside recycling and look forward to this new venture.

  5. Our Mayor and Council have absolved the city in removing the sanitation department. The result is one less service they provide the citizens. Of course the citizens will now pay more for garbage pickup. Thank you city counsel for looking out for your citizens 🙁
    I tend to believe the city is in poor financial shape.

  6. I don’t want the recycle cart. I don’t need another trailer in my yard. What can I do to keep from having another trailer out in my small yard making another dead spot on my lawn?

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