A second person has died in Washington County from COVID-19.

Washington County officials announced Friday that a woman in her 90’s, with multiple underlying conditions, passed away Friday afternoon.

The victim’s identity is not being released.

County Judge John Durrenburger says, “It is, again, with a heavy heart that we have to announce that Washington County has lost another of our residents to COVID-19.”

According to the latest local and Texas Department of Health and Human Services information, Washington County is reporting 36 cases of the Coronavirus.  Four of those cases have Burton zip codes, while the other 32 are in Brenham.

Officials with Brenham Nursing and Rehabilitation Center have confirmed five of their patients have tested positive for COVID-19.

Center officials say their efforts to manage the development is to follow the guidance of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on the restriction of visitation to essential healthcare personnel only as well as other guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  They continue to urge phone and virtual visitation through Face Time and Google Hangouts.

Brazos County has been hit hardest in the area, with 114 cases of COVID-19.  In other area counties: Waller Co., 13 cases; Fayette Co., 9; Austin Co., 8; Burleson Co., 6; Grimes Co., 6; Colorado Co., 6 and Lee Co., 2.

Washington County officials are asking the community to keep the family of the latest fatal victim, and all those fighting the COVID-19 battle in your thoughts and prayers and to continue following the CDC guidelines to help reduce the spread during this Easter weekend.

Anyone with questions or concerns regarding COVID-19, is asked to call the toll-free COVID-19 Helpline at 800-845-8035.


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  1. Cub Fan you can’t be serious. Are you an ostrich? Do you actually believe that what has happened all over the planet Earth is “hysteria” and “overhyped drama”??? Life in the United States and other countries has been altered for months and months to come and you can’t ignore that or wish it away.

  2. Texas is second worst for COVID 19 testing. With 332 tests for every 100,000 people. Until testing increases substantially our number of cases and deaths will continue to climb. Every citizen should be asking WHY? Our elected officials are the determining factors which hold the fate of our citizens. Some county officials ( Fayette, Bastrop ) are very wise and are enforcing the local orders of all must wear masks when leaving home. We should be so fortunate.

  3. Pay attention: They’re going to keep emphasizing “multiple underlying conditions” with every death. Of course any “condition” will do, without being specific. Do you know why that is? It’s not a coincidence.

  4. Prayers to the family! Doesn’t
    Matter what age or what conditions this virus is serious. PLEASE people stay at home like government has asked. Do your part for others. I see people doing as they want with no consideration. I, myself am a first responder and you are putting my family and myself at risk every time I have to go out and pick one of you up, because you think this is not serious.

    1. First of all THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!@STAY HOME
      It is very upsetting to see ppl not taking this serious and thinking this is overblown.These ppl PUT EVERYONE at risk…sadly some will never learn and put others like yourself in the frontline at a higher risk …THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL YOU DO..STAY SAFE AND PRAYERS BEING SAID FOR YOU,YOUR FAMILY AND WORK FAMILY

    2. Not a matter of not taking it serious. It’s a matter of not buying into the hysteria and over hyped drama of today. Enough is enough…

      1. Overhyped hysteria?? Is that why New York has over 10,000 deaths because this is overhyped? Geez come
        On people wake up. Those people had family too. Now the family grieves because this is Hyped hysteria. SMH

        1. Yes it is, Cub fan is right. Actually, we’ve moved beyond mass hysteria into mass delusion or maybe even mass criminal liability. Millions more will die now of the resulting hunger, homelessness, and despair. This is the a bad case of the flu and must be treated that way, not the black plaque. Wear it proudly.

          New York has 7400 deaths and I’m rounding up. Some reasons for this:
          -it has about 1 person for every two square feet of space and they are literally breathing on each other.
          -the health of the population is very bad
          -the air quality has already compromised much of their natural defense
          -while they may have masks on, that does not mean they that the person is in anyway sanitary.
          -Quality of medical care and government
          -Central air and heat in large buildings helps spread the disease.
          -The colder wetter climate helps provide a better climate for the virus

          1. And you are completely wrong. At the time of your few words, New York has over 10,000 deaths. Not sure where you get your information, but I would search for a better more up to date source. And the people with the knowledge( Professional Government Doctors -Birx and Fauchi state clearly -do not compare this to the flu. Please go do some more research and get better numbers and statistics. Yours are way off. Not even close

          2. The average lifespan of a citizen of New York City is longer than the average lifespan of a citizen of the state of Texas. I find the argument of poor health in New York City as a reason to discount its experience with COVID-19 to be illegitimate.

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