KWHI News has learned that state officials were at the Brenham Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Saturday morning, responding to the multiple confirmed COVID-19 cases at the facility.

Dozens of signs giving best wishes and shoutouts to Brenham Nursing and Rehabilitation Center staff members line the driveway leading to and from the facility.

According to information received, the center has confined 18 COVID-19 positive residents to one wing of the facility, as of this (Monday) morning.  Four additional residents are currently hospitalized.  These numbers do not include any staff members who may have tested positive.

KWHI reached out to the Brenham Nursing and Rehabilitation Center this morning for details on what the center is doing to protect its residents and staff from the virus.  Administrators there told KWHI “no comment” and directed us to the center’s corporate office, Regency Integrated Health Services, LLC, located in Victoria.  KWHI’s requests for comment from the corporate office remain unanswered at this time.

According to Regency’s website, visitors are not allowed into facilities managed by the provider, unless permission is given by administration.  Access to its facilities have been restricted to one entrance for staff and vendors, and all non-essential vendor interactions are being limited, in addition to non-medical appointments and activities outside of the facilities.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Thank you to all the health care workers at BNR and the other medical offices. Thank you for your hard work and support during this trying time. I admire your strength and compassion. Several years ago, my dad lived at Argent Court and then at BNR. I can not tell you how wonderful these places were and the excellent care he received before he passed away. I know that the staffs are extremely worried today. I am worried too. This is “uncharted” territory for all. Something none of us have experienced. Rules and mandates change as they “learn” more.
    I am praying for guidance and protection. Thanking him for his grace, love and mercy.

  2. Very sad that it caused 6 deaths at the facility before the State
    became involved. Testing kits should have been delivered immediately when many residents became ill. As mentioned in earlier comments a person can be tested negative today but become exposed & test positive tomorrow. I’m a believer if you work in a environment as a AL or NH you as staff need to be vigilant about wearing a mask, change shoes & scrubs before you start your shift. Never start the job with the scrubs & shoes you wore leaving home or running errands before reporting for the job. I hope the State mandates this until the virus spread stops. Quite sad there are few folks there nearing the age of 100 & how sad it would be to die because simple measures as change of clothing, mask,shoes & cleanliness could have avoided a death. If I had a parent or love one at any of the facilities I would bring them home, care for them & yes even if they needed 24/7 care you & family & friends would gladly help. After all they raised us & took great care of each of us. We need to do the same in this time of need. Yes it can be done. We’ve done it in my family and we all survived & gained a learning experience of caring for the aged & have lifetime memories of the talks, laughs we had together while caring for them.

  3. I would think that testing the staff at BNR could help as some may be positive for Covid without symptoms yet, and therefor self quarantine to stop possibly infecting others at this facility, especially those who are not protected in their rooms. Is there really a problem getting more tests for BNR?

  4. What took the State Health department so long? Brenham has more cases than they should. Too my knowledge so many of the people that work in our the long term facilities work in more than one facility. They need tested and protected as do their families. The State needs to address this. I understand it takes time to make test kits but when you have vulnerable they need to be the priority as stated by CDC and everyone else. I love our County and Texas. I know many people are working hard but maybe they need outside firms to come in and help. Just a thought. God Bless everyone. May a cure come soon.

  5. I swear if one more person gets on here to comment something about “common sense”. There is NOTHING “common” about this.

    1. Well apparently ALOT of ppl dont have it,OR the number here would go down…I see everyday hardly anyone using (that word you dont like) when they are in public,and yes I’m a essential worker so I have to be out,ALOT of ppl dont HAVE to be out,they do as they please

  6. Praying for all of you I lived there for over 40 years moved 2 years ago still have family and friends prayers for all of you even the ones that think they know so much but dont

  7. Those of us who have contacted our elected officials and not received a response need to put this in our long term memory. Communicating with the public is part of their jobs, especially in troubled times when there are rumors spreading and national leadership is erratic and can’t be trusted. They may not have time to reply to each citizen’s questions individually; but they certainly could hold a press conference or give an interview to the media. Next time these officials are up for re-election, ask yourself whether they’ve been doing their jobs effectively.

  8. I’m sure this comment probably won’t get posted cause it doesn’t feed the fear and hysteria. GIVE IT A REST PEOPLE!! COVID19 ain’t going away even with a vaccine, think about the Flu…..More people have this or have had this than we know and if the true number was known then everyone would calm down and realize it will be ok. Yes, it’s bad(economy included!!), yes I hate it if one person dies, but the constant whining and crying is ridiculous. Our officials are doing the best they can with an unprecedented situation. I see HEB and Walmart employees doing the best they can and I see them cleaning carts and reminding all of you to “social distance” like a little kid. Why do you need to be told anything!!?? Be an adult, wash your freaking hands, don’t touch you face, wear a mask if you want to. My goodness the constant please tell us what to do is nauseating!!

    1. Please dont tell ppl to give it a rest!. Do not put the FLU in the same sentence as this covid 19.This virus is twice as contagious as the flu and has devastating effects globally. This has NOTHING to do with feeding the fear,or hysteria as you kindly put it.YOU may not be effected by this this virus,but MANY have,including myself,with loved ones fighting and trying to save lives at the frontline risking their own safety and their families..This virus is new and no vaccine in sight,hopefully a second wave in the fall will not be worse,but usually they are!

      1. EVERYONE is effected by this!!! So what is your advice? Sit at home until a vaccine that may or may not come happens, because it’s not a guarantee it does? The economic fall out from this will be many times worse than the virus will ever be if we do that!! Poverty and the effects of it are by FAR worse than a virus that you have a 99% chance of recovering from! I’m not saying to “relax” from being safe and taking precautions, because no offense, YOU should have been doing that before all this started! I’m saying enough with the constant crying and whining about others and our elected officials. EVERYONE is trying to do the best they can with an absolute unprecedented situation. And by the way, yes, you can compare this to the flu in the sense I said it. We have a flu vaccine, but people still get the flu?

        1. The Flu has a deathrate of 0.01% virus is 1 to 2% deathrate. BIG DIFFERENCE.Flu has been around for years,this is a completely NEW virus.Of course you cant stand inside foreverBUT when your Government asks you to so the curve will flatten so the healthcare is NOT over loaded its NOT alot to ask.The economy will bounce back.ALOT of companies are being paid to keep their businesses and employees afloat…AND not alot of ppl in Brenham are doing their part,ppl with eyes can see that,that’s why Breham is a new Hotspot.if you think that only 70 plus infected ppl are in brenham ,you are sadly mistaken..the numbers will grow.Other areas will open slowly up, because their numbers are going down,due to the MAJORITY of ppl listened, and took heed,NOT HERE,as we can see by numbers rising. .And just bc you “said it” referring to flu in sentence,doesnt make your statement correct.

    2. Well spoken Cub Fan:

      I don’t need anyone telling me to wash my hands or not touch my face or stay 6 feet away from other people. I’m not stupid. The city of Brenham is trying to keep everyone in the dark. I would bet there wasn’t this much whining and crying by our ancestors during a Malaria outbreak or worse, the great depression.

      1. Actually if you talked to the older generation, there was no whining,not worried about rights being taken away,no complaining etc..they ALL worked together, helped each other and worked as a community to do what was necessary to combat whatever senerio they had to endure/fight

        1. Ok oldtimer, I guess we will stay shut down and in until we get a vaccine like Malaria, HIV/AIDS, SARS-Cov(which is a Coronavirus) and the Flu. Oh wait THREE of those don’t have a vaccine and the flu vaccine is only 25-35% effective. That’s the only comparison to the flu I was making if waiting on a vaccine is the only way to get back going again. YOU may not need the economy to get back up, YOU may be working and not effected, but a lot of people are and need to get back to work!! I guarantee you more people have had this and recovered from it then we know about(much more than 70 in WC by the way), thus making the death rate MUCH lower! I’ve said many times that I hate ANYONE dying from this virus, but no more then dying from any other cause!! My goodness, you are only focused on the virus and it’s terrible I agree, but look at the numbers that won’t be told when this is over. Poverty, suicides, domestic violence, other health related emergencies not associated with COVID19 that can not be treated right now because everything else is shut down(certain cancer treatments, surgeries, underlying issues that will go unchecked until too late), etc…… Those numbers will far exceed the virus numbers. Sure the economy will come back in time, but at what cost? Will that bother you as much as the virus which we have absolutely no control over other than what we can do personally? I agree with you, take precautions, just like everything else you do in life!! Work on a job, wear your PPE. Drive a car, wear you seatbelt. Don’t stick pennies in light sockets…..Wash your hands, Don’t touch your face, Wear a mask in Public, lets get back to WORK!!

          1. Sorry you dont comprehend the. Difference in this virus,compared to the ones you mentioned Sars was easier to contain and follow clusters than this,due to you were contagious when you showed symptoms. Just be I have to work does not mean my other half is working.AGAIN the whole point of SLOWING the virus (NOT stopping it) is for the Healthcare workers ..maybe you should work for the CDC or WHO since you know better than the rest if the majority of the world? the way Sars,Mers is a coronavirus, same family,different strains,there are 7 different ones,including the cold.

          2. Oldtimer…The information I gave came from the CDC website and if you trust anything from the WHO you have no credibility at this point. You need to comprehend the difference between comparing the virus to those mentioned(was not, well aware it’s “different”) and comparing WAITING for a vaccine that may never come like those!! I understand that the initial measures were to control and slow the spread not to overburden hospitals, but a question which ones ever were at the peak? Even in New York they never became overwhelmed and the extra hospitals that were built expecting it to were never at capacity or near it. Neither was the ship that was sent there, actually a few hospitals shut down due to zero patients!! They also never even came close to using half the ventilators they were asking for. Before you say the shutdown is the reason it worked, plenty enough people there are still out and about that it would have still overwhelmed the hospitals if all you believe is true. The death rate from this virus is also WAY lower since EVERY death right now is being classified as COVID19 for financial reasons. You proved my point that you only see the virus side, which I actually agree with you on a few points, but you have nothing to say about the other side of things. I don’t know better than the rest, but I also don’t follow like a herd of sheep. I research things for myself and base them off actual facts not fear tactics.

    3. People have to be reminded what to do because there are people, not unlike yourself, who seem to think this comparable to the flu. Guess what. The flu doesn’t have SARS characteristics. The flu isn’t as highly contagious. The flu is no where near as awful as this. Yes, if people would just follow CDC guidelines, we can flatten the curve and slow this. But that is the key. IT would SLOW. People have a right to be fearful and complain. Is it annoying to hear people complain about having to stay home? Yes. Is it annoying to see someone out without PPE? Yes. You have your right to complain but if it is that “nauseating” than I suggest you look for other outlets to get news from. Unfortunately, they are all flooded with people who are unhappy. So maybe you should just practice ignoring the negative and just focus on what YOU can control.

  9. The nurses and staff at BNR are angels. They are going above and beyond to help the patients. We need to pray for all and not blame or point fingers!!

    1. Thank you! Your kind words are greatly appreciated. We love our residents dearly and are grieving for the one’s we have lost while continuing to do our job. These residents are my surrogate grandparents. This is the toughest part of my job. This has become an unpresented event in our country and the guidelines from the CDC and corporate are consistently changing. We are always thinking of you (the family) and how difficult it is for you to not be able to see your loved ones and how difficult it is for the residents. You are in our thoughts and prayers as well.

  10. We are doing our best nobody knows how to deal with this so called virus. We love our residents and trying really hard to contain this. Its hard for everyone at this time
    Plz understand

    1. Of course you are! No one is blaming the staff! We are trying to get you all tested for your safety as well. A co-worker could spread it to you as well as the Patients. Please understand that we appreciate all you do for our loved ones! You have been wonderful. Please stay safe and well!

  11. This is a terrible situation. My Mother was at this facility for 5 years without problems. I don’t know why we don’t have public testing place(s). I would love to be tested. I have no symptoms but, I want to know. I stay at my home or my one person office. The people in charge in this mess who we elected to keep us safe seem to have all “dropped the ball” causing such a loss of life. Thank goodness for the first responders.

  12. Everyone should be tested as soon as possible. My mother is there and I have no control on what is being done and not being done and it scares me to death! Please please help these people and start testing all staff and patients! Please!

    Concerned daughter

    1. Take her home then. It would make sense to me that people should have their parents tested and if negative results move them out of the facility before they too have covid.

      1. I normally would not respond or reply to such conversations…but this statement is disturbing. If you are in a nursing or rehab facility…you are there for a reason. Many of those cannot be taken care of in your own home for medical reasons. My brother is in this facility and is only 53 years of age. He does not walk and has many medical issues that require extensive care. I do not, like many, have the luxury of choosing to pick him up and bring him home to protect him. So all I can do is check on him by phone and PRAY! Obviously by your statement you have been fortunate to not have had to experience this with a loved one…but it would be nice to be mindful of others who have no other choice.

  13. Thanks to KWHI for checking into this serious matter. Seems like our city and county think Covid 19 should be kept a secret. Been going on for weeks and they tell us nothing. I understand privacy laws – that is not the issue here. They can tell where the majority of cases are. We learn on TV about nursing homes in other cities that have covid 19, but not our city. It was reported by KWHI that the Mexia State School had 100 cases last week. I hope there is only one case at Brenham State School as reported. But are there more? I guess they don’t want us to know. It is terrible that Wash. Co. has 68 confirmed cases but only vague statements by our county officials, and almost none by our city. They must think other issues are more important. I am sure they are concerned, but they need to make statements with more information to at least show that they are concerned. I think our senior citizens are trying to protect themselves, but are concerned. More information might ease some tension knowing where the significant cases might be. Come on city and county officials. This should be your priority. And that’s the way it looks to THIS Citizen.

    1. If you are not informed about cases at nursing homes or state centers, it means you don’t have a loved one in any of those facilities. Be thankful and mind your business.

    1. My Mom is in Brenham Rehab. She was exsposed to covit 19and tested negative and was moved to the well side . Why are so many cases at this facilaty and none ate not as many at the other facilaties.

  14. This is an extremely vulnerable situation for both the staff and residents. I can’t imagine that Testing for Covid 19 is not a top priority at this facility. Washington Co. …Why is this not happening ???

    1. Why do you think the City or the County is responsible for testing residents of a private facility? What is testing going to prove anyway when isolation is the key to preventing the spread?

      1. Your real smart. How do you isolate if you don’t know who it is and that would be by testing.

      2. Because the government is allocating the tests. The patients have been isolated for weeks! You can’t isolate their caregivers so testing is the only option.

      3. I don’t think she/he said the county is responsible for testing, but they are responsible for getting the supplies. We need government support to get adequate test supplies since they are being issued by the government. Press conference today said all states should have enough tests now. So, please….send some here. And…isolation evidently doesn’t always work….especially if you are bedridden or need “hands on” care.

  15. What about testing here. We need testing. Nothing from the Mayor or the Judge. The staff needs to be tested.

  16. There has been a major breakdown in communication between the Mayor, County Judge and the public. Unfortunately, people need to be motivated to follow the rules. As one person stated, ” you can’t fix stupid” but it is up to our elected officials to at least try. They should be having a press conference at least every week to update our community. We have too many cases for a city this size. I have not heard a word from either official, or the County Medical Director in weeks!!!! Everyone needs to be reminded that Brenham is well on its way to a major problem and we must “wise up”. The HEB here is not following proper protocol to insure the upmost safety to its customers —- Not requiring hand sanitation at the door, not having their employees wearing masks ( to set an example for others). The same people that may be spreading this virus are the same ones who walk in without a mask, don’t use the sanitizer. and then handle every vegetable trying to find just the right one. There is no social distancing by many. They just walk right up by you and proceed to cough !!! Come on people,– Try to show some measure of intelligence and respect !!!!
    And to our city and county officials, you have to realize that sadly, sometimes our society has to be coaxed and trained just like a child. Proper instruction, repeated over and over is how one learns. So, start showing more interest in communicating through enforcement of guidelines, updates, and even encouragement .

    1. Heb has been doing a good job , count your blessings they are open and risking their lives!

  17. Everyone needs to ask the city what they are doing for safety. I called the city manager on Friday and was told that they had not decided to enforce everyone wearing a mask which I think now is the time to start telling people that anytime you go out to wear a mask. And those of you who are not wearing masks are just being silly and unsafe and ignoring you are possibly spreading it. If Brenham Rehab does not have enough masks then they need to ask the community to make them or the community should just be making them and passing them to the different centers that care for our loved ones. I know at least one care center that definitely needs masks so I assume the other ones do. I think it is the responsibility not only of City Hall and the judge who’s in charge and the mayor and the city manager but to all of us to do our part to combat this. In spite of governor Abbot saying the virus has been corralled —it is not true.

    1. I am tiring of those that think they have the obligation and right to tell the rest of us how we MUST conduct ourselves. The thought of requiring EVERYONE to wear a mask is over the top impossible. There are not enough masks for everyone and not all of us can sew a makeshift mask that may or may not be effective. The masks need to be made available to those in the most need, and the rest of us can continue to practice good social distancing and other wise common sense measures. The vast overreaction where people feel they have to control other people and take away our freedom has got to stop. It is one thing to fight a disease, it is completely something different to give up our freedom for a virus. People need to start using some common sense.

        1. Well spoken once again Cub Fan:
          I would hate to see the number of cancer diagnosis that were undiscovered until it was too late because of this. How many deaths that occurred because a surgery that could have fixed the issue could not happen. How many small businesses will have to close down permanently? Too many folks out there, like the Oldtimer are only worried about the virus and not the economy.

          1. That’s not true,@normal preson..major surgeries are still taking place,(my wife just had one)and I do worry about the economy, MAYBE if you realized the sooner the number of cases drop the sooner the economy can slowly open back up.BUT as long as the numbers keep rising ,businesses will not open back up..

      1. That’s a bad excuse not to wear some kind of a bandanna, etc..its not taking your freedom right away ,what it does is help protect you and others..

        1. Well said Old Timer. People like the one above seem to only care about themselves and have no regard for others. Some people in this county think they are invincible, and it won’t happen here. Well, guess what?? It’s happened and it’s happening now. Just help others and do what the guidelines suggest

          1. Come on folks. Apparently there are many more stupid people out there than anyone ever thought Proof is in the comments they leave on this post. I DO NOT need anyone telling me to protect myself. Yes, I care for others, and yes, we must be protected but the economy effects EVERYONE not just a small few. Our forefathers fought for our freedom, now bring that freedom back, help everyone.

  18. Thank you, KWHI, for keeping the public as informed as you can. This is such sad news for such a fine facility. There are so many dedicated staff members there. My concern is testing. The State and Federal Government must provide ample testing for all residents and staff. Why have they not done so?

    1. Please stop blaming the state or federal government. The private owners of this and all nursing homes (licensed businesses) are fully aware that the HHS agency will fully reimburse them for any and all testing and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) that they provide. There are labs service Brenham that could do the testing needed for as many as needed, and there are millions of PPE supplies available now for sale. The local and state health officials are also involved and are issuing guidance to the facility ( along with the other nearly million Texans living in nursing homes) and are providing some (government lab) testing as well to those exhibiting symptoms. The questions should first be directed to the OWNERS of the for profit facility who are obligated to care for their employees and residents. To what level they do that is the big question. Government doesn’t control this business and people should stop scoring political points about it by solely blaming government health agencies.

  19. BNR followed guidelines and were not allowing visitors in well before the first person was confirmed to have the virus. Patients are moved between the facility and hospitals so the virus could have come from anywhere. Employees, drs that visit, EMS worker, staff at the hospital. Anyone can be a carrier without having any symptoms. The State did come in and inspect the facility and they confirmed that BNR is doing everything they can to protect their patients and the employees. The state regularly inspects nursing homes and facilities like this so this is not a surprise that they were there at the facility.

    1. You are so right. All the providers who care for these patients need to be tested.

  20. Actually ALL staff needs to be tested and at this time ALL staff needs to stop working at different facilities (carrying 2 jobs) which alot do ,due to transfering this virus to other nursing homes…prayers being said for all…This is why ALL citizens of Brenham must follow all CDC guidelines,if not for yourself then for the elderly,and the vulnerable ones (underlying heath problems) ONE PERSON can make a difference to save a life,and help stop the spread,many lives can be saved alone here in Brenham if that ONE PERSON turned into 17,000 plus people that live here,what a difference it would make.REMEMBER it took ONE person to get infected and changed the WHOLE world,let’s reverse that..

    1. I agree! It’s not the residents who are contained only to the facility giving it to themselves! It is the STAFF along with other people who are allowed access to the facility! If staff carry more than the BNRC job, they should which job is more beneficial to them at this time! This has got to be contained SOON

  21. The staff are not being tested unless they are sick. Patients have been quarantined to their rooms for weeks so it stands to reason it is being spread by staff. The staff must be tested for their own welfare as well as the patients’. I am being told by admin at BNR there are not enough tests. The county judge has yet to respond to my email from 3 days ago regarding testing in the county and at BNR. At least 6 patients have died. Someone please help save these patients before it’s too late!

    1. I totally agree with you. The staff and the rest of the residents need to be tested ASAP. That’s the only way to stop it Find it, quarantine it and disinfect everything. I am sure you won’t hear from the judge, that’s sad to say. Can’t fix a problem with a problem. Hope your loved one makes it through this. I’ll pray for you, the residents, and the staff. I have had this dry cough for almost 3 weeks myself and can’t get a test myself. I keep myself locked up and if I do go out I follow the guidelines, but there are many that don’t. Washington County officials, get this facility staff and residents tested.

    2. I totally agree with you. I have not received a return email from the county judge either.
      We need more testing to know the full extent
      Of the spread of the virus. Please help our most vulnerable citizens.

    3. Numerous agencies have determined that many people who are asymptomatic test positive for the Covid19 virus. Everyone who enters any nursing home facility should be tested….whether they feel sick or not. This may seem extreme, but we are in extreme times. Our local and state government need to get on the ball. We are fortunate to have Senator Lois Kolkhorst serving as head of one of the committees that deals with state licensed health facilities. Please, Senator, help us with this.

      1. Anybody visiting or working in a nursing home needs to wear a mask and ifs and butts about it.actually ALL brenham citizens when going out of their house need to wear gloves,masks etc…ITS NOT ALOT TO ASK,nor is it fear mongering or hysteria..its called COMMON SENSE

    4. Do any of you people that are crying to be tested realize that you may be tested, get results and they come back negative and you are still a carrier that can infect others. Do you realize that you may be negative today and two days later be a carrier. How do you deal with that get tested every two weeks or two days. This virus is so different than what we are used to comparing it to the flu is so far off its like apples and oranges. The safest thing for everyone is to act like everyone is positive and act accordingly.
      The local officials are giving you the information you need, they are not holding back anything. If they said that everything was going to be shut down for two weeks people would be complaining about that but that is what some of you want. The local officials can not make everyone happy NO matter what they do. I want to THANK ALL the First Responders and Nurses & Doctors that are giving so much to HELP People. They deserve more from us than all of the complaining some of you are doing. For God’s sake grow up and be responsible for YOURSELF and do the right thing.

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