Washington County health officials say last week’s severe winter weather could have helped reduce the number of active COVID-19 cases in the area.

As of Wednesday, according to data from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the county had an estimated 454 active cases.  While DSHS did not have Washington County case data for when freezing temperatures began on Sunday, February 14th, it reported 543 active cases on Monday, February 15th.

Washington County Health Authority Dr. William Loesch attributes most of the current drop in numbers to the local vaccination efforts, but he also said many people were not out and about for the past week.  The freezing temperatures and associated power outages kept many residents at home, unable to go to work or school.

Dr. Loesch said while it will probably take another week or two to see a trend develop, overall numbers are “looking good regardless.”  He said numbers over the past few weeks have been “really promising,” and is “hoping for some normalcy by late spring.”

The county reported an estimated 3,092 recoveries and 81 deaths as of Wednesday’s DSHS report.  State data indicates the county had 3,004 confirmed cases and 623 probable cases.

Dr. Loesch encouraged residents in the Phase 1B category to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

As of Wednesday, DSHS data shows approximately 5,228 people in the county have received at least one vaccine dose, while 1,409 have been fully vaccinated.

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  1. As a daily reader of this site, I do not recall reports when our local Covid cases were on the rise, even approaching active cases of nearly a thousand. But I only read articles when numbers show a downward trend. Perhaps if rising numbers had been reported more often in the last years, it may have resulted in fewer cases. Please follow your own thoughts on these matters and don’t give any consideration to others wishes or demands.

    1. Surely you’re joking cause they have had PLENTY on COVID numbers!! If KWHI coverage doesn’t meet your fear requirements, then check the daily counter the Banner likes to keep running to keep up with the fear. The article on possibly ending the great mask mandate has got to have you shaking!! What are people like you gonna do when this finally starts to come to an end and you have to “live” again?

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