County Engineer Ross McCall discusses an abatement nuisance request for a property in Chappell Hill with Washington County Commissioners at their meeting Tuesday.

Washington County Commissioners held lengthy discussion but took no action on an abatement nuisance request for a property in Chappell Hill at their meeting today (Tuesday).

The court tabled a request from the county’s Environmental Health office concerning a dilapidated home at 9020 Providence Street.  County Engineer Ross McCall said the request came after the property appeared to fall into disrepair.



The item was tabled by commissioners in 2018 to see if the landowners could rectify the situation themselves.  The owners of the home, Julia and Clarence Johnson, said at today’s meeting that they were forced to move out of the home because of water well drilling near the home and the large amount of people that come to Chappell Hill during the festivals.  They also said that they have been in the process of trying to sell the home.

Commissioner Candice Bullock asked whether written notification has been provided to the homeowners, and whether this request had been vetted through the county attorney’s office.  Environmental Health Director Mark Marzahn said he has spoken to them over the phone, but there has been no written notification.  County Attorney Renee Mueller said this request has not been re-reviewed since 2018.

County Judge John Durrenberger proposed giving the landowners another year to make improvements to the property.  Bullock suggested setting a benchmark at the 6-month mark to evaluate progress and consider reconvening in commissioners court to figure out how to proceed.

Also at today’s meeting, the court approved a reduced speed limit throughout the entire Lakewood subdivision that fronts Highway 36 North in Precinct 3.  The speed limit reduction to 30 mph from the state standard of 60 mph was approved after a public hearing with no comments.  The new speed limit will be made effective after signs are posted.

Also in court, commissioners:

  • Approved a budget amendment to transfer $196,601 from the General Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund for an equipment purchase to be repaid over five years.
  • Gave the county engineer authority to purchase one new tractor with a rotary boom mower through the State of Texas cooperative purchasing program Sourcewell for $158,500.
  • Approved a 60-day extension of 50.5 excess vacation hours for Sergeant Derrick Washington with the Sheriff’s Office.
  • Heard monthly reports from the emergency management coordinator, county and district clerks, justices of the peace, auditor, tax assessor-collector, treasurer and constables.
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  1. 3 years is plenty of time to repair or bulldoze. Setting a ridiculous price for sale by owner does not qualify as “trying to sell”. 4 days of busy festivals is an the excuse for horrible disrepair? No other events in Chappell Hill impact that property to any degree. Has it taken 3 years for a water well to be drilled? Someone dropped the notification ball or this issue would have been properly disposed of much sooner. Thank you Commissioner Bullock for asking the right questions and getting this issue back on track.

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