In just under a week, Brenham and Burton ISDs will welcome all students back for on-campus learning.

Brenham ISD and Burton ISD have released their back-to-school plans, which outline full face-to-face instruction and no masks required.

Brenham ISD said it is presently unable to offer virtual learning under current state requirements, but the district will revisit its plan if it becomes an option in the future.  Burton ISD will provide remote instruction for students who have been confirmed with positive COVID-19 results.

Both districts say they will continue COVID-19 preventive and mitigation efforts.

Per guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA), school districts will not have to conduct COVID-19 contact tracing, but they will need to notify the parents of students who are found to be close contacts of a positive case.  Districts must also report positive cases to the local health department and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS).

Per Texas Education Code, students must attend 90 percent of the days a course is offered—with some exceptions—in order to be awarded credit for the course and be promoted to the next grade.  Current state requirements dictate that students who are out for close contact or who have tested positive must still follow compulsory attendance laws.

Parents of students who are considered close contacts can keep their children at home during the recommended 10-day period.  The stay-at-home period can end for individuals experiencing no symptoms on day 10 after close contact exposure, if no subsequent COVID-19 testing is performed.

Brenham and Burton students return to class on Wednesday, August 18th.

The districts’ back-to-school plans can be seen at their respective websites, and

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  1. My 5th grader will be wearing her mask as this new variant is focusing on children.

    1. Do you have stats to back this up or are you just repeating the fear-mongering lines that the media uses to drum up more ad revenue?

    2. I am so thankful that in our free country you have the choice to mask your child. I am also thankful that I have the freedom to allow my children to NOT wear a mask. That is so neat how that works!!!

    1. You could start with China…then maybe follow up with Fauci who authorized spending US tax dollars on gain of function research in the Wuhan lab.

    2. China CCP or US NIH, Bill Gates your choice they developed this gain of function virus. If you want to do something really useful don’t put the cheap China made mask on your kid.

    3. Sue yourself, this why 10-12000 a year for each kid (the averaged amount for each kid going to public school) to go to a school of the parents choosing is such a great option. School choice! If you don’t like your public school you pick a different school. Sweden has done this to great success. Kids are better educated, parents are more involved in owning the outcome of their child.

      1. How about suing the district. They don’t have to listen to Abbot about banning masks. BISD is just afraid. Afraid about losing funding. But we pay their salaries! Bring back remote learning for those parents that CHOOSE to keep their children at home!

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