The Washington County Commissioners Court will be discussing price increases for road construction materials at their next meeting on Tuesday.

The Commissioners have received letters from both Texas Star Transportation and 979 Trucking that due to the rising cost of gas and economic uncertainty that they will be raising their costs.

Both had contracts that were awarded to them by the County back on December 28 of last year.

Texas Star Transportation, which is based in Somerville, will be delivering Commercial Flex Base at $29.25 per ton. Spokesman Cole Dismukes told the County in the letter that the price will be subject to change depending on the fuel charges by their supplier.

979 Trucking, which is based in La Grange, will be delivering Limestone Base at $22.80 per ton.  Spokesman Samuel Tucker told the County in the letter that as prices adjust, they will be reviewing ways to pass any savings on when they can.

The Washington County Commissioners Court meets Tuesday at 9am in their chambers at the Washington County Courthouse.

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  1. If they had a contract with the county for a price then why are the prices going up? Is the deadline up? If not the price should stay the same that is was a contract means people you are lock in at that price. What if the fuel went down would they give money back no

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