The thought of the power going out and not coming back on may not come to mind frequently, but on Monday, Washington County Commissioners were encouraged to think about what would happen in the event of a long-term power outage and how the county could be ready for it.

Local resident Kathryn van der Pol spoke to the court about emergency preparedness and asked commissioners to take into consideration how weeks, months or even a year without electricity would impact the community.

van der Pol, who recently moved to Old Washington from Houston with her husband, Sybren, and owns the Texas Heritage Event Center on FM 1155, believes loss of power for an extended period of time is the number one threat to civilization.  She said there is still time for the county to take steps to brace for a worst-case scenario.



van der Pol said she has met with Chappell Hill Chamber of Commerce President Joel Romo, Faith Mission CEO J.D. Young, and members of the Washington County Ministerial Association to discuss the matter.  She said the county has great infrastructure in place with the CERT Team, EMS and Faith Mission, as well as prior experience with disasters and conducting large-scale programs like the vaccination subHUB at the Washington County Expo.

After her presentation, van der Pol presented commissioners with copies of “The Civil Defense Book” by Michael Mabee, which she said outlines pathways to help think about these issues in a practical way.



County Judge John Durrenberger said most people now grew up taking electricity for granted, but it is important to think about these things.  Commissioner Candice Bullock echoed Durrenberger, saying “we’ve never known a time where we couldn’t just flip a switch,” and that they as local government officials need to make those considerations.  Commissioner Kirk Hanath said disaster plans are in place through the Brazos Valley Council of Governments, and while not everything will fit to a tee during a disaster, this community comes together in times of need.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Be paying more in taxes. People gets smart and think about it. No power no gas oh I forgot I can’t charge your car then and go. If you are worried about it you can just go buy you generator not the county. Looking for someone free from the county. Nothing is free

  2. In the world we live in…. Pure chaos would unfold.

    Read “One Second After” if you want a preview.