A pair of donations for road improvements will be presented to Washington County Commissioners on Tuesday.

The court is set to receive a $50,000 donation from Apache Corporation for road reconstruction on Sandtown Road in Precinct 4, as well as a donation of $4,933 from Cooley Construction to pay for damages to Randermann Road in Precinct 1. 

Commissioners will also take up an agreement between the county and the City of Brenham to access and use the Washington County Event Center for the city’s general election on May 6th.  In addition, they will hear a presentation of the Washington County Historical Commission’s 2022 report.

In a workshop following the regular meeting, commissioners will discuss double holiday pay, a 2023 pay rate increase, the pay grade included in the evidence technician position description, mental health services at the county jail and office space for the emergency management coordinator in the courthouse annex.

In other regular session items, the court will consider:

  • Appointing Environmental Health Director Mark Marzahn and Environmental Health Specialist Renee Hamilton as designees with the responsibility of submitting monthly activity report information in the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s On-site Activity Reporting System (OARS) program on behalf of the county.
  • A variance of the subdivision platting requirement for a 17.55 acre land division fronting Highway 290 in Precinct 3.
  • Moving the commissioners court meeting from Tuesday, February 7th to Monday, February 6th.
  • Discussion of a formal notice for a utility installation of underground telephone cable and innerduct within county right-of-way of Young Lane in Precinct 4 by Industry Telephone Company.
  • A 60-day extension of excess vacation hours for Mark Young in the IT department.

Commissioners will meet Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the Washington County Courthouse.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Seem like we’re always reading about an increase I pay. “Now Double” holiday pay? Seems like the school board is always creating assistants for assistants. Our commissioners are also guilty of handing out out taxpayer money for increased salary. STOP spending money freely. Enough.

  2. County roads are usually designed for traffic weight in the range of 20 to 40 thousand pounds. When heavy vehicles like big rigs traverse the roads serious damages occur because their weights average 60 to 80 thousand pounds. Takes 9,400 cars to do the damage to the roadway as just one 80 thousand pound truck. So who is this donation which is all it is really going to and why is this being allowed? Reparations in full instead of mere donations is what’s really called for to ease taxpayers burdened. Please collect the appropriate amount to repair the damage and share that information with when it’s done.

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