Several job position descriptions and a lease amendment will come before Washington County Commissioners on Tuesday.

The court will consider approval of the position descriptions for first assistant district attorney and EMS administrative assistant.  It will also act on an agent appointment for Washington County Extension 4-H.

A lease amendment between the county and Rita, LLC for the use of office space at 402 North Main Street in Burton will be taken up as well.  The address is the location of the Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace office.

There will also be routine items, including discussion of formal notices for a two-inch road bore for PGMS for a new water line meter installation on Quail Run Road in Precinct 3, and a steel natural gas pipeline crossing for AMP Texas Pipelines on Faist Road in Precinct 4.

Commissioners will meet Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the Washington County Courthouse.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Why can’t Kevin and his one and two guys answer their own phones and do paperwork like the rest of the people? Fact is we have two paramedics on each truck so why do we have to have one or two supervisors on an accident scene looks like to many chiefs and not enough workers which only causes more problems. If you want to spend money and hire someone. How about a deputy sheriff? We need more law enforcement officers in this county not more EMS running over one another. Glad to see jobs being added but we don’t need someone for the EMS at all. Who over sees to the justifiable spending of our county tax dollars? Who is the cheerleader for all this EMS spending? Why? What’s in it for them? All I can see is cuts and more cuts needed to lower our taxes. Property taxes are sky high what can we do to lower taxes?

  2. Two ASSISTANTS positions that aren’t necessary. This is getting out of hand. Or I should say is just getting to be an insult to taxpayers.

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