The Brenham School Board held a lengthy meeting Tuesday evening.  On the consent agenda, that the school board is supposed to approve with just one vote, both trustees Kyle Hafner and Archer Archer had some questions about the TASB Policy Update and the proposed budget amendment.  Hafner questioned the proposed purchase of lockers for the field house and both Hafner and Archer questioned the wording of the TASB policy update.  After it was explained to Hafner that the lockers were to solve Title 9 issues with the field house, it was proposed by Superintendent Dr. Tylor Chaplin, that only the Budget Amendment be approved and the TASB Policy Update be tabled for 30 days until the July Regular Board Meeting,

The board also approved the termination of the contract between the school district and ESS Substitute Services.  The district entered into an agreement with ESS to supply substitutes during COVID, but that cost the district $350,000 per year.  The district now feels that it can do the same job for less money.  They also approved a 5-year contract with UBEO.  The contract will supply the district with new copiers and printers. The district right now has over 60 different printers.  They have a 12-year relationship with UBEO.

The part of the meeting that drew the most audience questions was the public hearing regarding the ESSA Title Grant Application.  Most of the questions dealt with what deficiencies have the schools seen in the students and how do they measure the improvements that the ESSA Title Grant provides.

After the Executive Session where the Board had some questions for their attorney, the board reconvened into regular session where they discussed school safety.  The plan is still to provide a BISD school district police force.  Jay Huffty, Director of Safety and Security for the District, said he found used police cruisers for $107,000 less than what was budgeted, because they do not need to be on patrol duty.  The highest mileage vehicle had 88,000 miles. The idea of an armed guardian or marshal at the schools was also presented.  The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for July, 17th at Brenham High School at 6:00 PM.

The Technology Department was honored by the School Board at the meeting.
The Special Office Staff was honored by the School Board at the meeting.


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  1. Title 9 is very broad in lawyer lingo kinda like HIPPA so what does it have to do with field house lockers?About anything you want to make up really to spend money. Atta boys to Hafner and Acher for asking questions and not rubber stamping everything put in front of them wish someone like them were in county politics. Accountabilty in spending is whats needed. Good Job voters got it right this time.

  2. Asking questions about TASB is a good thing. Some districts are leaving TASB altogether.

  3. I’m confused as to why our children’s safety seems to be such an issue. Why would any school board member or parent NOT want a BISD police department?? I want to know my children are safe. I want to know I can rely on an officer who has been hired to do a job, do the job. Don’t give the responsibility to a teacher…let the teachers secure their classrooms and concentrate on keeping their students safe and calm in the event of a tragedy.

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