As Brenham ISD looks to bring in a new school superintendent, the public is invited to share feedback as part of that search process.

A community survey is open for participants to answer questions about what traits they would like to see in the next superintendent, important issues facing the district and what its strengths are.  The survey can be taken here.

In addition to the survey, a series of community involvement sessions will be held on September 25th and 26th

For the general public, sessions will be held on September 25th at noon and 6 p.m. in the Pride Academy auditorium, 1301 South Market Street, and at 7 p.m. in the Brenham Junior High School auditorium, 1200 Carlee Street.  There will also be a session on September 26th at 12:30 p.m. in the Pride Academy auditorium. 

A pair of sessions on September 25th in the Pride Academy auditorium will bring in community leaders.  Business leaders will be the audience at 11 a.m., while religious and non-profit leaders will be at 3 p.m.

Brenham ISD employees will have six feedback opportunities, four on September 25th and two on September 26th.  On September 25th, those include meetings of executive leadership team members at 10 a.m. in the Pride Academy auditorium; any district employee at 2 p.m. in the Pride Academy auditorium; secondary teachers and staff at 4:30 p.m. in the Brenham Junior High School auditorium; and elementary teachers and staff at 5 p.m. in the Alton Elementary School cafetorium, 1210 South Market Street.  On September 26th, campus administrators can meet at 10 a.m. in the Pride Academy auditorium, and then current and former employees are invited to the Pride Academy auditorium at 11 a.m. 

The Brenham School Board is working with the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Executive Search Services during the search for a new superintendent, after current superintendent Dr. Tylor Chaplin announced his intent to retire at the end of December.  The board is seeking input from school personnel and the broader public to shape the criteria for the ideal candidate.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. As someone who has been involved in two Superintendent searches I can assure you the Board will choose the next Superintendent. The search firms job, is to help gather information, and facilitate the interviews. I would encourage anyone to reach out to the Board members and share your thoughts about the qualities you feel our district needs. We need this next hire to be an EXCELLENT fit in our community. We also need everyone to support our teachers who are going to be asked to do more with less, because of this budget deficit which should never have happened. Brenham is a wonderful community and we need a great school system. My prayer is that the community will step up to help guide the Board to hire an exceptional candidate and we can get things back on track. Lets all stay positive in this process we need to be united for the best for Children, Faculty and the Taxpayer.

  2. What about Kay Domel. She has Brenham ISD’s best interest at heart and she has her doctorate of Education. She would be an excellent candidate.

    1. I agree. Kay would be an excellent choice.i worked with her for 20 years. Top notch all around.

  3. Why can’t a local, current, teacher or administrative type person apply that already works and lives within the Brenham ISD, apply, and they pick from those candidates?
    If it is a question of not picking favorites, do an anonymous application with a number instead of a name, and pick the most qualified?
    At least you would get a individual who was already here, and part of the community.
    This all seems like this process is so overly complicated to pick a new head honcho.
    I think they do this to justify ALL of the over spending and over staffing of the Administration to begin with. Teach the kids, period.

    1. Are you suggesting they hire based only on a resume and just skip the interview for the top position in the district? Are you suggesting that they should exclude any candidate who is not already in the district?

      1. I am suggesting exactly what I wrote. Re-read it. They should pick the best candidate from the district, based on their resume and working knowledge of the district. Why don’t they hire from within? It seems that there would be plenty of current and past LOCAL educators that could do the job, no problem. Why should there be a star search for a candidate that will stay for 2 or 3 years then leave?

        1. Do you really believe that there are that many people in our district who have the state-required qualifications to be a superintendent? There are some GREAT educators and principals in our district for sure – but I highly doubt that they have completed all the requirements to get a Superintendent certification.

          1. Maybe they can get classified as a “emergency certification status”. Plenty of non-certified teachers teaching. Although they make be working on certification, non-certified is non-certified.

        2. I re-read what you wrote and the only possible conclusion I can come to is that you are suggesting:

          1 – They can ONLY hire from within.

          2 – They should hire based ONLY on an anonymous resume without even interviewing the candidate.

          I understand you have good intentions and maybe there is a local candidate who is qualified for the job, but those are 2 absolutely ridiculous stipulations to put on the hiring process for finding the person to lead Brenham ISD.

  4. So let me get this straight…… They done blew how much money and hired a firm to hire the next big mistake but now are wanting the
    publics in put on the next hire??????

      1. It’s all a dog and pony show. BISD will choose the candidate that TASB tells them to pick so that candidate makes sure the money keeps flowing to TASB.

    1. So they’ll do what most government entities do when they solicit public comment: whatever the heck they want to do irregardless.

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