The Washington County Tax Appraisal District Board of Directors will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday.

At the beginning of the meeting, they will allow citizens to address the board on any matter.  Comments are limited to three minutes, and no discussion or action will be taken by the Board.

New business for the directors to take up include a discussion and possible action to amend the 2023-2024 Reappraisal Plan.

They will also review and discuss receipt of the 2022 School District Property Value Study Invalid Findings.

The meeting will conclude with a report from the Chief Appraiser.

The Washington County Tax Appraisal District Board of Directors meet Tuesday at 10am at the Appraisal District Office at 1301 Niebuhr Street in Brenham.

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  1. When the tax bill cometh & you see that increase, don’t forget the one’s who said you were getting a decrease while fabricating a way to increase the value of your property so much that it not only offset any kind of decrease you would have received that it increased your bill. Can you follow me? Personally, I see homes not selling in my neighborhood because of inflated home prices due to property value increases that buyers can’t substantiate paying. Therefore, they become rentals of people who care nothing for the neighborhood, decreasing quality…& value by the way, of owners. Thank you politicians.

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