Brenham ISD is taking steps to address a physical altercation that occurred between students on one of its school buses Thursday afternoon. 

In a message sent to families associated with the bus in question, the district says first responders were called to the scene, all students involved were identified, and their parents or guardians were notified for pickup.  The bus resumed its normal route after the removal of those students. 

The district did not specify which campus the school bus belongs to. 

Brenham ISD says immediate action was taken to ensure student safety and well-being.  It says it is “working diligently to address the matter appropriately, and the Student Code of Conduct will be followed.”

The full message sent by Brenham ISD can be viewed below:

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope this message finds you well. We want to inform you about an incident that occurred on one of our school buses this afternoon. There was a physical altercation between students on the bus, which prompted us to take immediate action to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students.

As a precautionary measure, first responders were promptly called to the scene. We are pleased to report that all students involved were identified, and their parents or guardians were notified immediately for pickup.

Following the removal of the involved students, the bus resumed its normal route to ensure the safe transport of the remaining students to their respective destinations.

We understand that these situations can be concerning.  We want to assure you that we are working diligently to address the matter appropriately, and the Student Code of Conduct will be followed.

The safety and well-being of your children remain our top priority. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in these situations. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for your continued support.

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  1. This type of behavior is a dangerous to the students the driver and the traveling public. Those involved should be expelled and parents placed on notice control your child. Someone has enabled and tolerated this bad Behaviour to this point. That bus is a 10 ton mass rolling down are public streets and a small vehicle is no match and could have caused a wreck with everlasting results. Zero tolerance means just that do your job BISD. This is why we have these long lines of people picking up and dropping off their kids and very few riding a paid for by our tax dollars bus that most can not use because of a few bullies. Make buses safe again are cut out the service completely and the bullies can walk!

    1. Do you have any personal insight or inside information concerning this particular incident? Sounds like you are just spewing general misinformation and using this as an uninformed talking point. Students/children imitate adults. Adults argue, fight, discharge firearms and get arrested. Adults should know better! Children have to be taught how to resolve conflicts without becoming violent and abusive. Some parents have no other option but to put their children on tax payer supported school buses while others choose not to. Sounds as if you have a lot going on there, my friend. According to the message from the School District it would appear that they have responded appropriately. Thank God there were no weapons involved and no one was hospitalized or worse! This is a teachable moment for those young people involved!

    2. Thank you Steve for your statement. This is about the bullies that the school deals with on a daily bases. After working for the school system for many years unfortunately this behavior unfortunately gets worse with age. The teachers and staff are all for zero tolerance. They are scared of these same bullies that push their way around year after year. They do not need to be on the bus causing fights and tormenting other students. Not to mention the bus driver. Make them WALK!

      1. Teachers and staff who are afraid of “bullies” (bad acting students with bad attitudes) should find another profession. The role and function of an adult is to be “in authority” and “the authority” when dealing with minors. I do agree that those who cannot conduct themselves according to school rules should be dealt with according to the BISD handbook. If expulsion or making them “WALK” is in the handbook then by all means DO IT! Otherwise, these “bullies” are subject to their parents! Unfortunately, there are bullies in our schools because there are bullies in society. The school district responded appropriately. If you want bullying to be a death penalty offense; perhaps you should run for a position on the BISD School Board and propose it. Zero tolerance is a misapplied and misinformed solution. Citizens have the right to defend themselves from all forms of aggression. Since those in authority tend to sweep any negative reflection of our community problems under the rug … nothing is ever done about “bullies”. Blame the district, blame adults, blame society; but, do not blame the students. Teach them ways to resolve conflict without violence and abusive behavior. Hold them accountable! Students/children imitate adult bullies.

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