The timeline to find a new Brenham ISD superintendent appears to have been extended. 

The school district said in a statement Thursday that the board will convene on Tuesday, November 14th to further deliberate and discuss the strategic path forward in its superintendent search. 

The district said, “Our dedication to the best interests of the district and community has led us to take more time for the process.  We acknowledge the importance of taking the necessary time to ensure a thorough and thoughtful decision.”

A finalist was originally set to be named on Friday, November 17th, after initial interviews were held throughout this week.  Five candidates were scheduled to be interviewed.

When asked if next week’s meeting would impact when a finalist is announced, Brenham ISD Communications Director Brooke Trahan said, “That is a possibility.”

The school board is working with the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) through its search efforts.  The district noted in its statement that this decision will not result in any additional cost beyond the existing contract with the search firm. 

During the board’s meeting on Tuesday, it will hold an executive session with TASB representatives regarding the superintendent search candidates and process.  The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Brenham ISD Administration Office.

The full statement from Brenham ISD can be read below:

The Board of Trustees for Brenham Independent School District remains steadfast in its commitment to selecting the most qualified candidate for the role of Superintendent. Our dedication to the best interests of the district and community has led us to take more time for the process. We acknowledge the importance of taking the necessary time to ensure a thorough and thoughtful decision.

The Board will convene on Tuesday, November 14, to further deliberate and discuss the strategic path forward in our Superintendent search. It's important to note that this extension will not result in any additional expenditures beyond our existing contract with the search firm assisting us in this process.

We appreciate the understanding and support of our community as we navigate this critical decision-making process.

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  1. you know a superintend is not going to stay in Brenham very long someone raised in Brenham with family here would be the best choice for the position imagine a loyal long term superintendent here for the community not entirely for the money

  2. Brenham ISD school board has been attempting to manage an Assistant Superintendent who leaves the district last November, then the Superintendent announces his retirement while the community learns of continued debt accumulating all on approved purchases the school board approved. Teachers continue to leave the district. The school year begins and the CFO leaves the district abruptly because of the debt that the school board approved purchases for and then the superintendent leaves before his retirement date. Brenham ISD students, teachers, community and families continues to roll downhill while the school board leads. What is the common denominator in all of this ? The Brenham ISD community was excited for an announcement of a Superintendent this week. New chapter. New beginning. The board stops the process to think. Last news release stated 5 candidates would be interviewed. Out of 5 candidates, a handful should have matched the criteria. The 5 were chosen out of all the TASB applicants that applied and so the 5 should have been the qualified candidates . The community completed surveys to support the board in what this community wanted. When are elections for new school board members? Does this Tuesday board meeting allow for the Brenham ISD community to attend ?

  3. On Facebook a post is circulating which states this school board is on their way to making a detrimental decision for the community and the district. This post states that the district needs someone who loves this community already and will stick around for a long, long time and be a say “NO” person, who will visit schools, has strong communication skills and understands public education. The community filled out surveys to share with the board what our community is desperate for in a leader. This Facebook post circulating states for us to pray for the board to have fresh hearts, ears and eyes ready to hire someone for BISD that is here to make a positive change and is already here in the community to stay. May we all hope and pray that the school board reads the surveys and responds understanding that although they have the deciding vote, they represent US and we shared our hopes for someone who lives in the county, knows public education well, loves and will work with teachers and students and will listen.

  4. I don’t agree with what you are saying at all. Probably of greater concern is what a new superintendent is getting himself/herself into. Namely, a big district debt looming over the school district. He/she will inherit that right off the bat. Maybe that person needs to know how school board members feel about the voucher program/ privatization issue?? I’m not sure myself what the positions are of each of our school board members. I would like very much to know. These are important considerations that may effect the search. It’s not just what the superintendent has to offer us BUT also what we have to offer that person as well that will see which candidates our search will attract. As a former teacher and employee in this district, I implore you not to hire someone at the end of his/her career who just wants to boost their last three year(‘s) salary and then retire. From experience, I assure you that that is not good for us or teachers at all!! Been there, done that!

    1. The haven’t found anyone they think they can control yet. For school board members that need to leave and cause most of the problems brow beating taxpayers there holding back. It’s always been about control. Half the board needs to resign because of poor decisions for our taxpayers. It’s politics and control issues.

  5. In other words they still haven’t found a good candidate because they entrusted the process to TASB. TASB holds talks to teach educators how to skirt around the state rules on teaching critical race theory. TASB believes boys should be able to participate in girl’s sports, use girl’s lockerrooms, and share rooms with girls on overnight trips. And now our community is trusting them to select the person who will lead our schools?

    1. It sounds more like the district’s reputation has preceded it, and no one of any quality wants to apply.

    2. You have completely made all of this up. You have know idea what you are talking about. Let’s try and be as divisive as we possibly can – that’s a great way to help the district and the kids that is servers….SMDH.

    3. TASB does not limit who can apply, nor do they remove candidates from the pool without the permission and instruction of the board. Please do some research before you run around spouting off nonsense. You only do harm to the community spreading things like that.

    4. They chose TASB and they will only get candidates that will follow TASB/TEA guidelines…such as common sense states. The old saying goes…keep doing what you’ve always done and you’ll get the same old results

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