Washington County EMS is using artificial intelligence to help keep its ambulance drivers safe and alert on the roads.

During his quarterly report at today’s (Tuesday) county commissioners meeting, EMS Director Kevin Deramus talked about how the department is testing out software from Samsara to monitor drivers behind the wheel. 

Via an additional camera in the cab of the truck, the software tracks behaviors such as how often drivers are using their phone, if they are braking too hard, and if they appear to be getting tired.  It can then send a notification to the driver’s supervisor, who can check in to see if they are ok. 

Since data tracking began in January, Deramus said the software has already led to improved driver safety habits and reduced risk.

Deramus said the software is relatively inexpensive and that, while commissioners can expect a larger presentation on the software during preparation of the new budget, the department is “really close to tying a knot” to use donation funds to support it for the rest of the year.

The court applauded Deramus and the department for taking on this initiative, with Commissioner Candice Bullock calling it “outside of the box” thinking.  Commissioner Kirk Hanath said this benefits both the EMS team and constituents. 

County Judge John Durrenberger said during his absence over the past few months due to health issues, he had to take several trips to College Station.  Over that time, he observed many ambulance units and noted that their driving speed was not always consistent, something he believes this software can help identify and correct.   

Deramus said the long-term goal is to take the data gathered by the software and use it to create a scoring matrix for drivers, showing when they are good to go and when action may be needed.

Also at today’s meeting, Brenham | Washington County Economic Development Director Teresa Rosales provided updates on several economic projects.  She said an agreement with Project Color Guard, described by former Economic Development Director Susan Cates as a “data center project”, is being finalized for signature, but staff is crafting language for a restrictive covenant related to water. 

Rosales referenced the work being done to bring a Panda Express to Brenham and mentioned that her department is working with La Quinta and Marriott on development.  She said Del Sol Food Company, the maker of BRIANNAS, is renovating a building onsite to add a bakery.  She also announced that Corrosion Resistant Alloys is expected to open its location along Highway 290 East “very soon.”

The court also:

  • Approved orders for plat revision development applications for six lots within the Bluebonnet Hills subdivision and two lots within the Bluebonnet Ridge subdivision, both in Precinct 2.  They then approved plat revisions for both subdivisions.
  • Granted a subdivision variance request for a land division fronting Kolkhorst Schultz Road in Precinct 1.
  • Discussed a formal notice for fiber installation by Industry Telephone Company in the Koether Road right-of-way in Precinct 4.  No action was needed.
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  1. Will this stop county units from running red lights while just driving around not responding to calls. Have see this number of times

  2. They might not be so fatigued if they didn’t have to run 911 calls AND transfer calls. Transfer calls seem like a huge drain of our limited ambulances, and it ties them up for hours sometimes, taking a 911 ambulance away from the county and the citizens who may need it for an emergency.

  3. Another waste of money !! It’s the law no talk or text on a commercial vehicle. They need to go hands free If you really want to does this it need to be in all cop cars sheriff cars and fire trucks

  4. Who are you people fooling? The end game here is to micro manage. Kevin wants to have more power. Is there a mini me somewhere? Stop wasting tax dollars on EMS stuff they already have nearly a 10 million a year gig stop the stupid spending. County Judge retire soon for your health and ours.

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