About 500 Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative members and guests filled The Silos on 77 event center in Giddings on Tuesday, May 14, for the co-op’s Annual Meeting. Those at the meeting enjoyed live music, received reports highlighting Bluebonnet’s successes during 2023 and early 2024, re-elected two directors and took home door prizes.

Shana Whiteley was re-elected to
Bluebonnet’s board of directors during the
co-op’s Annual Meeting. Whiteley has
served as director from District 2, Travis
County, since 2017.
(courtesy Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative)

Two incumbent directors in this year’s Board election were unopposed and elected by general consent in accordance with Bluebonnet’s bylaws. Shana Whiteley, director from District 2, Travis County, has served on Bluebonnet’s board since 2017. Bryan Bracewell, one of three directors from District 3, Bastrop County, has served on Bluebonnet’s Board since 2018.

“Congratulations to Directors Whiteley and Bracewell,” Board Chairman Ben Flencher said. “I am very proud to serve with them and our fellow directors representing Bluebonnet’s members.”

Bluebonnet is a member-owned electric cooperative governed by a nine-member Board. Bluebonnet’s members elect their directors, who serve staggered three-year terms. One third of the Board of directors is up for election every year.

Bryan Bracewell was re-elected to
Bluebonnet’s board of directors during the
co-op’s Annual Meeting. Bracewell has
served as one of three directors from
District 3, Bastrop County, since 2018.
(courtesy Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative)

The business portion of the Annual Meeting began with Board Chairman Ben Flencher thanking members for supporting Bluebonnet and recognizing the tremendous growth occurring in the co-op’s area.

“Bluebonnet has a wonderful history and a bright future,” Flencher said. “The area Bluebonnet serves is where people want to live. Our exceptional staff is committed to providing the power that our members need.” 

General Manager Matt Bentke closed out the business portion of the meeting with highlights of Bluebonnet’s performance. Bluebonnet continues to benefit from historic growth in meters and commercial and industrial growth, providing the foundation for financial and operational success. Bluebonnet’s electric rate is one of the lowest in the state and the co-op plans to return $10.37 million in capital credits to members in 2024. “Bluebonnet’s outstanding financial and operational success supports our goal of benefitting all stakeholders – our electric system, members and communities we serve,” Bentke said. “During the past year we have added more assets, made more improvements and completed more maintenance on our electric system than at any other time during our 85-year history.”

(Story courtesy Will Holford, Bluebonnet Public Affairs Manager)

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  1. So from your response, you’re saying that an all Republican candidate county that has all Republican elected officials in a heavily Republican state has illegal voting or voter fraud? Gillespie County tried hand counting their ballots several months ago and I think they ended up doing it four or five times and never did they come up with the same number. Certainly then, we should investigate our county voting coordinator whose office is in the courthouse. I guess the Washington County Commissioners could start an impeachment procedure, but then they’re all Republicans and, by your response, at the heart of the problem. Sadly, no one in their right mind would ever run for anything in this county in an attempt to change what you and I see going on and be a Democrat on the ballot. The majority population would claim that they were a liberal, Marxist, socialist/communist, pedophile, even though the person could be a third or fourth generation Washington County resident and never had anyone question their ethics, morals, or beliefs.

    I would certainly agree that BISD and WCC spend money on many things that could be left alone, but as soon as they would become conservative in their fiscal positions, people would complain that “we’re not up to date” as other towns and “we won’t be able to attract new residents.” The entire state has gone overboard with trying to attract new residents and we see now that our infrastructure, housing supply, and schools are not prepared for it. Tourism and attracting new residents is effectively a cottage industry inside the county and local governments and the people who hold jobs associated with those things collect solid salaries for spending our tax dollars.

  2. It is a shame our elected officials can’t do their jobs as well as the leaders a BEC they do it right. Nope how much more money can we waste seems to be the normal in this county. Never seen funds so mismanaged than at BISD and WCC. I am tired of being taxed for gimmicks we could save millions of dollars each year and provide for the common good of the community if we just just stick to the basics. Till we get rid of those vote counting machines and get same day voting one vote per legal voter on paper hand counted we are going to be stuck we the same lame leadership in my opinion and taxes well they well just get so much you can’t afford them and then they come and take your property. All because our leaders can’t stick to the basics.

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