The Brenham Planning and Zoning Commission will take up action on Monday regarding amendments to the city’s comprehensive plan, future land use map and thoroughfare plan.

Brenham Family Park Special Area Plan. The
concept was created through public feedback.
(courtesy City of Brenham)
The amendments are for the adoption of the Brenham Family Park Special Area Plan and to reflect the planned future extension of South Blue Bell Road to Highway 36 South. The Special Area Plan provides a concept and a guideline for the envisioned uses of the over 600 acres surrounding the proposed Brenham Family Park.
The city held surveys, workshops and town hall meetings last year to gather input on the plan and on possible land uses for the acreage, including single- and multi-family residential, commercial, and open space. Working with Kendig Keast Collaborative, three different concept plans were developed, and feedback from the public led to a unified vision for the area.
Two other items will be heard by the Commission on Monday. One is a request from Atwood Kenjura for a residential replat on 8,864 square feet of land south of Second Street and east of Church Street. The property is currently three undeveloped, vacant lots that are platted for townhome development facing a private alley. The owner is looking to replat the three lots into two lots facing the public street right-of-way of West Second Street for further development.
The other item is a request from Walt Edmunds for a specific use permit to allow an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in an R-1, single-family residential zoning district on 8,487 square feet of property in the 300 block of West Third Street. The lot has a pre-existing 612 square-foot accessory structure that was grandfathered from the 1970s to 2020, when the applicant purchased the property. However, the ADU was vacant and in disrepair, so it lost its legally nonconforming status. The applicant submitted building plans to restore the ADU and is seeking that the structure be allowed again to provide for visiting family and guests.
The Commission will meet Monday at 5:15 p.m. at Brenham City Hall.
Click here to view the agenda packet for Monday's meeting.
I thought this was supposed to be a park? Why is it mostly residential housing and commercial business locations?
Will there be an hoa for these residential developments to keep them from looking like several other areas with cars all over the streets and yards unkempt?
Every time this commission and department has a friend that wants something approved. This department changes the rules. I am not friends with the department and my building remains empty. Previous proposed huge retail tenant was scared away by planning department. My building remains empty and I continue to pay taxes so department can change rules for their friends.
Why does this sound like you didn’t get what you wanted and/or this is very much one side of this conversation. Was the use not allowed? Did you meet the developmental criteria? Tell us more. Sounds like you need to make some friends up at City Hall though.