State Representative Stan Kitzman was appointed earlier this month by House Speaker Dade Phelan to the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission.

Stan Kitzman

The Commission reviews state agencies to determine how they are performing and if they are needed, or if they can be done away with to streamline government operations.  Through public hearings and reports, it provides recommendations to the Legislature on if the agencies under review should continue, undergo changes or be abolished.

Kitzman said he is honored to have been appointed to the Commission and that he looks forward to serving in order to “protect the interests of Texas taxpayers.”

The Commission is comprised of five senators, five representatives and two public members, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House.

According to the Commission’s website, since the Sunset process started in 1977, 79 agencies have been abolished, including 37 that were completely abolished and 42 that had certain functions transferred to new or existing agencies. 

Kitzman’s appointment is effective immediately and continues until September 1, 2025. 

Kitzman represents House District 85, which covers Austin, Colorado, Fayette, Waller and Wharton counties, along with part of Fort Bend County.  He currently serves on the Agriculture and Livestock, Natural Resources, and Rules and Resolutions committees. 

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