A call of shots fired early this (Tuesday) morning near the Washington-Austin County line led to the arrest of three Brenham men.

According to Washington County Sheriff Otto Hanak, deputies responded just before 2:45 a.m. to the vicinity of Dierking Road and Sander Road in reference to a reported shooting.  The reporting party indicated they observed a vehicle parked on Dierking Road, which could be associated with the shots they heard.

Deputies located the vehicle and three individuals, later identified as 22-year-old Lonnie Ray Brown Jr., 22-year-old Arvin Tamarr Green, and 22-year-old Jaylen O’Brien Robinson. 

According to Hanak, all three were standing outside the vehicle with weapons in plain sight of deputies.  Located around the vehicle were empty shell casings consistent with the caliber of firearms located in plain view.  Each of the suspects admitted to shooting the firearms.

At the reporting party’s home, deputies found bullet holes embedded in the walls of the residence.  The sheriff’s office did not report any injuries.

Brown, Green and Robinson were placed into custody for Deadly Conduct – Discharge of a Firearm and booked at the Washington County Jail.  Bond for all three was set at $25,000, and they each remain in custody as of this morning. 

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  1. Your judgmental comment is unbelievable, sir!! You automatically assume bc these young men are black, they are up to no good. Maybe these young men just need a little guidance, and they can become the next great marksman for our country. If we can all make assumptions, then I’d assume you are a NRA supporter. Ain’t ya, JD? Help those youngsters out with positive feedback instead of your “lock them up and throw away the key” mentality.

  2. I know these Young man they are very respectable young men that work two jobs and are in school. They wasn’t shooting at anyone’s home period! They were shooting in a wooded area at a plastic bottle. Their intentions was not to hurt or harm anyone! They are not in a gang they don’t have any criminal records. So serotyping them saying it was a drive by shooting and why did they stick around makes you look very MHMR with your comments. I do understand this is America and you have every right to say what you want but they bond was low because the story line don’t fit what actually happened. If they were holes in someone’s residence do you think it would be put in the paper especially since they haven’t even been full charged yet! Did they make a bad choice to shoot at plastic bottles on a back road in a wooded area where they didn’t see any houses uhummm yes it was a bad choice. Did they have any intention on shooting anyone home or anyone no they did not! So before you judge or speak on oh this is gang related or this is a drive by or this or that please know the full story instead of going off story line that has false information on it .

    1. It is against the law to shoot off of a public road and I don’t believe someone would target practice at 2:35 in the morning it is dark at this time go try to sell this story to someone else because I’m not buying it!

  3. none of yall no these young men if you don’t know the story stop assuming something I know every last one of these young men don’t bother a soul just made a bad mistake

  4. I would like to know the whole story behind this shooting like why were they shooting at this house was it drug or gang related or what but I guess we will never know why this planned out event ever happened it could have turned out worse than it did these young men should never be allowed to own guns again maybe Mr. Whitehead can help us out with some answers Thank you

  5. This happened about a mile down the road from me and my Family! I’m very concerned for our safety. I commend our Sheriff’s Department for responding to this situation so quickly!! Our Police Department and Sheriff’s Department have been working diligently at apprehending the criminals in and around Washington County & I’m very grateful for everything they do to protect us all!

  6. Do any of you know the young men to know what really happened or y’all just on here talking… Assuming drive by or they was trying to shoot someone’s house up.. y’all kill me with that

    1. Well, the article does say that they were shooting at a house, which they admitted to but go ahead and continue to take up for the criminals.

  7. They should have googled “drive by shooting”.
    Would have told them to DRIVE AWAY after shooting up the house……

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