Brenham ISD has notified families about an incident that occurred this week on a school bus involving a parent.

According to the school district, around 4:45 p.m. Monday, a parent “forcibly entered the bus to address a student.”

Brenham ISD said the incident was immediately reported to authorities.  Chief Communications and Engagement Officer Brooke Trahan confirmed that the Washington County Sheriff’s Office was called to handle the situation.  The parents of the student involved were also contacted.

The district issued the notice on Monday to parents or guardians of students on the bus.  The district provided the notice to KWHI this (Friday) afternoon.

Brenham ISD said it is working closely with authorities to appropriately address the matter.  It said, “The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority, and such behavior will not be tolerated.  We are committed to ensuring that our school environment remains safe for all students.”

Trahan said further comment would not be appropriate at this time, given the ongoing investigation. 

Below is the full statement from Brenham ISD:

Subject: Important Notice Regarding Bus Route 13 Incident

Dear Parents and Families of Students on Bus Route 13, We want to inform you about an incident that occurred today, August 19, 2024, at approximately 4:45 PM involving Bus Route 13. A parent forcibly entered the bus to address a student. This incident was immediately reported to the authorities, and the parents of the student involved have been contacted. Please be assured that we are working closely with the authorities to address this matter appropriately. The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority, and such behavior will not be tolerated. We are committed to ensuring that our school environment remains safe for all students. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us directly.

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  1. It all goes back to no discipline…sorry To say this but a lot of kids are encouraged to be rough, tough bada** by parents and their communities. “You don’t have to mind no teacher, bus driver, etc, etc.” And school officials can’t do a thing…so yes, shouldn’t get on that bus but we don’t know the whole story.

  2. Well Ive got news for you….. If I beed to address my child doe ANY reason or if my kid is being bullied and the School has not done their job and stopped it. I’m getting on that bus
    That is MY child….. so you better just get the hell out of my way.

  3. Well bullying in my opinion has gotten worse because of what children are exposed to in their home. Re; Parents who bully, Social Media, TV, Video games etc.
    God forbid don’t let them watch
    the politicians, they are the biggest bullies of all. Kids do what they see.

  4. If this was due to a “bullying” incident, in a way I can’t blame the parent as they may have had their fill since it wasn’t being addressed at school. BUT, this was NOT THE WAY to properly handle the situation. Go to the authorities(not the school if that failed) request a report be filed and parents be notified as well as the school involved.
    Bullying should not be tolerated and needs to be stopped

  5. We spend a fortune on schools with our taxes and nothing ever changes. Kids can’t ride the bus without out being bullied. We have long long lines of parents picking up and dropping of kids cause they don’t want to their kids to ride the bus where you can’t win with these bullies. I to had the DA and the PD have a chat with the school principal and did not have a problem with the school and my kid being molested again. The kids doing this were not from the USA nor could they speak our language but they sure knew how to make someone real unsafe.

  6. It doesn’t matter if it is bullying it’s a way to address it and not getting on a bus and doing harm to anyone’s child cause you want nobody doing it to your’s.

  7. Was it a bullying incident? It was correct to not allow parent to enter the bus, and it is important to protect children from other children bullies.

    1. That’s the problem. Bullying is RAMPANT in schools and administrators do NOTHING to stop it. “0 tolerance” is a joke. After repeated reports to the school I filed a complaint with the sheriff’s department. One more incident and I’d file charges. Admin did not like SO showing up but they finally stopped the bully.

      1. Administration is not allowed much in the way of correcting behavior problems for fear of getting sued by parents of unruly children.

      2. Well, the bus transportation doesn’t do anything about bullying, and we’re not allowed to be in contact with the bus drivers either. I have been having problems with my kids’ bus about bullying, but when my son sticks up for his brother, he gets written up

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