Monday 02-03-2025
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For Sale: (2) properties in Washington – (17) acres, secluded, has seasonal creek, lots of trees, lg. 5000 sq. ft. shop w/ studio apartment, great for ranch work or mechanic, several building sites, has electrical, NO restrictions ; (27) acres, secluded, lg. Live Oak trees, good pasture, has nice 1911 farm house, 4500 sq. ft. shop – 936-668-1528 SERIOUS CALLS ONLY
For Sale: 5x5.5 round bales of Bermuda mix hay, net wrapped, in Burton area – 979-551-0633
For Sale: Miniature Bernedoodle pups, (3) males and (2) females, have shots and dewormed, will be ready to go Feb. 10, perfect for Valentine’s Day – 979-221-4821
For Sale: ’03 Ford F-250 XLT, diesel, 196K mi. $7500 ; ’11 KZ Durango 275RE 5th-wheel $11,500 ; willing to neg. deal for truck and RV to go as a bundle ; Frigidaire oven, model FCRE3062ASD, brand new, never used $500 ; ’95 EZ-Go golf cart, battery operated, NOT running, has charger $400 neg. – 281-702-2944
Estate Sale: Mon. 7:30a-5:30p 420 Shephard Ln. ; walk through – appliances and furniture
Wanted: arrow head collections ; metal stand to hold up 80 lb. bird bath, made from rock – 281-733-5585
For Sale: Pro Con 15,000 BTU heater, natural gas $75 ; headache rack $65 ; 3HP cutoff off saw, 230/460v, 3450 RPM, on stand $75 – 979-830-3456
Wanted: Ford motor and transmission – 979-200-8912 call or text
Wanted: will take any birds you no longer want or can take care of ; pr. of Finches or Lovebirds ; dinner bell in Brenham – 979-836-7775
For Sale: full size bed, brand new ; recliner, new, reclines to lying position – 979-451-4719
For Sale: Poulan riding mower, 42” cut ; Craftsman riding mower ; foot tubs ; file cabinets ; Wanted: junk cars, will pay CASH on the spot – 979-451-7762
For Sale: (2) Nigerian Dwarf goats, 10 wks. old – 361-557-0634
For Sale: 5’ box blade, heavy duty $550 – 936-870-5148
For Sale: 4x5.5’ round bales of native grass hay, fertilized, weed sprayed, double wrapped – 979-830-5706
For Sale: Pro Smart slicer, 14” long, various settings, vegetable/fruit holder for safety, like new $20 – 979-830-5171 LM
For Sale: Coleman mini trail bike $250 – 979-255-9995
For Sale: firewood – truckload $150 or bundles, can cut to your specs ; Coleman ice chest, on wheels, 60 qt., brand new $50 OBO – 832-567-0454 NO TEXTS
For Sale: Ford 4000 tractor, NO front end loader – 832-724-9048
Wanted: junk cars and trucks, any cond., will pay CASH on the spot – 979-251-4585 anytime
For Sale: Farm-All M tractor, to be restored ; ’52 Ferguson 30 tractor – 979-451-9350
For Sale: young Homing pigeons, 1 yr. or less $6 ea. or 20/$100 – 979-942-0771
Wanted: someone to reupholster fabric on outdoor furniture – 979-337-9118
Wanted: hens or roosters ; For Sale: 16’ lowboy trailer ; Polaris 300cc 4-wheeler ; Yamaha 350cc 4-wheeler ; Dachshund dog, male – 979-551-1826
Wanted: friendly kittens – 979-251-4533